New Hire Registry

The New Hire Registry (NHR) is a monthly report which identifies CalWORKs and CalFresh recipients who are newly employed, rehired or who have recently returned to work. The match uses the employee’s Social Security Number (provided to EDD by the employer) against MEDS. Matches must be processed within 45 days of the date the county received the NHR Report.

This early employment information is intended to reduce overpayments/overissuance amounts resulting when clients fail to report their earnings.

The CDSS created the Notification of New Employment (SAWS 30) form to satisfy requirements to provide CalFresh and CalWORKs clients with a letter within 45 days when potential discrepancies exist. Before generating the SAWS 30 CalSAWS evaluates the following criteria:

  • The recipient on the NHR is marked in the home.
  • The employee name listed on the NHR matches the name of the household member.
  • The case on the NHR is an active and approved member of the CalFresh and/or CalWORKs program.
  • The county has not suppressed the auto-generation of the SAWS 30 form.

Once all criteria has been met CalSAWS automatically updates all NHR reports as Processed, No Discrepancy on the Create IEVS NHR Response Document window. A system generated case comment is inserted to indicate the SAWS 30 was sent to the client. The SAWS 30 is generated and mailed out in an overnight batch process.

At SAR 7 and RE, EW staff must review all NHR reports and resolve any discrepancies based on the CalFresh or CalWORKs program rules.

Employer Requirements

Legislation enacted in 1994 requires certain employers to report to EDD, individuals who have been hired or rehired, within 30 days of their employment if:

  • The individual is age 18 or over, and
  • Anticipated wages are at least $300 per month.

Employers in the following industries are required to report information to EDD within 30 days of hiring or rehiring an employee unless they have fewer than four employees:

  • Landscape and Horticultural Services
  • Building Construction
  • Heavy Construction (other than Building Construction)
  • Construction Special Trade Contractors
  • Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing
  • Water Transportation
  • Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods
  • Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods
  • Automobile Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations
  • Eating and Drinking Places
  • Holding and Other Investment Offices
  • Hotels and Other Lodging Places
  • Business Services
  • Auto Repair, Services and Garages
  • Motion Pictures
  • Health Services
  • Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management and Related Services

Follow-Up on NHR Reports with Discrepancies

 Follow-up on a discrepant NHR report should occur during the next report processing or at RE, whichever occurs first.

Income Report Submit Month

The actions in the following chart should be taken for households with a SAR7 due:

If the Client... Then...
Provides all information/verifications with the SAR7 report,
  • Use the information to determine future month eligibility and take all appropriate budget actions.
  • Calculate an overpayment and overissuance, if appropriate, when a client failed to meet their MANDATORY mid-period reporting responsibilities based on the mid-period reporting responsibilities for the CalFresh or CalWORKs program.
  • Update the NHR report status to Processed, Discrepancy in the Status field on the Create IEVS NHR Response Document window.
  • Document the case journal and include the outcome of the NHR follow-up (i.e., discrepant or non-discrepant and the amount of overpayment/overissuance, if applicable.)
Does not provide employment information or verification with the SAR7 report, Follow the program guidance for an incomplete SAR 7 for the CalFresh and CalWORKs programs.

RE Month

The following actions should be taken by the EW for households with an RE due:

  • Request employment verification using the Request for Verification (CW 2200).
  • Use the information to determine future month eligibility and take all appropriate budget actions.
  • Calculate an over-payment and over-issuance, if appropriate, when a client fails to meet their MANDATORY mid-period reporting responsibilities. Refer to CalWORKs and CalFresh handbooks for SAR rules.
  • Document the outcome in the case journal.