PAGC Cases

The Intake Worker will:

  1. Enter all appropriate information in CalSAWS. 
    1. Client’s Mailing Address must be entered with the PAGC’s P. O. Box 760, San Jose, CA 95106-0760.
    2. PAGC must be entered as Authorized Representative.
    3. Client’s name will still be listed as the payee but PAGC information must be entered for all other related fields.
    4. Benefits must be issued as cash (not sent to EBT). 
    5. Note: For CalFresh, an EBT card will be sent to the PAGC’s P. O. Box 760, San Jose, CA 95106-0760.
  2. Document thoroughly in a Journal Entry.
  3. Use the “Eligibility Worker/Public Guardian Communication Form” (SCD 1294) to communicate with the PAGC about verifications needed, etc. (EW will not communicate with the client directly).
    1. Ten (10) working days are alloted to provide verification(s).

Note: If the PAGC requires additional time to provide the requested verification(s), the EW must use their judgment and allow additional time as appropriate. 

The Continuing Worker will:

  • Obtain a new “Housing Statement Verification” (CSF 47) or “Housing Assistance Verification” (GA 31) or ”Client’s Housing Assistance Statement” (GA 11). Refer to Payment chapter. 
  • Change the Home address in CalSAWS as appropriate. Mailing address will always be PAGC’s P. O. Box 760, San Jose, CA 95106-0760. 
  • Notify VS of client's conserved status and document in a CalSAWS Journal Entry.

Note: If the applicant is in a sanction status and was hospitalized or conserved at the time of the noncooperation, the sanction will be rescinded. Documentation must be entered in a CalSAWS Journal Entry and VS must be notified of the rescission.