Special Needs

For Special Needs approval, the “Special Need Requisition” (SCD 414) must be processed by the EW as follows:

  1. Verify General Assistance eligibility.
  2. Request the special need items on the SCD414, completing all necessary information (i.e., name, address, case number, etc.). 
  3. Enter the amount of available liquid assets.
  4. Sign your name in the Signature of the Eligibility Worker space.
  5. Obtain the approval signatures of both the Eligibility Work Supervisor and the SSPM on the next two lines. 
  6. Scan all documents to Imaging.
  7. Complete appropriate information in CalSAWS once the SCD 414 has been approved.
    1. Reminder: Nonrecurring Special Needs are a One-Time-Only, if there are any other Special Needs already showing, review for eligibility for the requested special needs.

Refer to CB 23-33 for recurring special needs.


When the applicant/recipient is eligible for a special need based on an individual’s need for a therapeutic diet, the EW MUST: 

  1. Generate the “Special Diet Request” (CSF 25).
  2. Inform the client to take the CSF 25 to the doctor/physician.
  3. Document in a Journal Entry that the CSF 25 was given, and who it was for, etc.
  4. When the CSF 25 completed by the doctor/physician has been returned, review information and if appropriate, complete payment of the special need.
  5. Set an Alert for follow-up at the appropriate time if necessary.
    1. When the doctor/physician has indicated that the diet is needed for a period of 5 months; the EW must set a “Case Alert” for the 4th month, so that the special need is reviewed timely. This is necessary in order that a timely and adequate NOA is issued if the required verification is not provided by the due date.

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