Special Needs
For Special Needs approval, the “Special Need Requisition” (SCD 414) must be processed by the EW as follows:
- Verify General Assistance eligibility.
- Request the special need items on the SCD414, completing all necessary information (i.e., name, address, case number, etc.).
- Enter the amount of available liquid assets.
- Sign your name in the Signature of the Eligibility Worker space.
- Obtain the approval signatures of both the Eligibility Work Supervisor and the SSPM on the next two lines.
- Scan all documents to Imaging.
- Complete appropriate information in CalSAWS once the SCD 414 has been approved.
- Reminder: Nonrecurring Special Needs are a One-Time-Only, if there are any other Special Needs already showing, review for eligibility for the requested special needs.
Refer to CB 23-33 for recurring special needs.
When the applicant/recipient is eligible for a special need based on an individual’s need for a therapeutic diet, the EW MUST:
- Generate the “Special Diet Request” (CSF 25).
- Inform the client to take the CSF 25 to the doctor/physician.
- Document in a Journal Entry that the CSF 25 was given, and who it was for, etc.
- When the CSF 25 completed by the doctor/physician has been returned, review information and if appropriate, complete payment of the special need.
- Set an Alert for follow-up at the appropriate time if necessary.
- When the doctor/physician has indicated that the diet is needed for a period of 5 months; the EW must set a “Case Alert” for the 4th month, so that the special need is reviewed timely. This is necessary in order that a timely and adequate NOA is issued if the required verification is not provided by the due date.
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