Applicant Interview Requirements
Regulation [63-300.4]
All applicants must be interviewed. An interview is conducted by telephone, unless a FTF interview cannot be waived. A FTF interview must be conducted in the following circumstances:
- The applicant requests a FTF interview, or
- Is required by another assistance program (such as CalWORKs and General Assistance), or
- The County determines it is necessary to verify conditions of eligibility.
Note: The EW MUST document in the Maintain Case comments window the reason why a FTF interview is necessary (e.g., Unresolved community complaint, question about out of state residency, expenses have well exceeded reported income over an extended period of time).
An interview consists of the review of the information provided on the application, exploring and resolving unclear and incomplete information and documenting any changes in household circumstance that have occurred since the application was filed.
- Applications which were received, but were incomplete are completed during the interview process if the county has not received a completed application prior to the interview.
- During the interview the EW must also advise the household of:
- Rights & responsibilities,
- Household’s responsibility to report changes, and
- Appropriate application processing standards.
An interview must be conducted by telephone unless otherwise a face-to-face interview is requested by the applicant or is required as an exception.
Telephone Interviews
A telephone interview does not change any other interview requirements. EWs must review the application form (CF 285 or SAWS 2 Plus) question by question with the client in CalSAWS, explain the rights and responsibilities, and obtain all required verifications.
Important: For a CW/CalFresh joint application, a telephone interview must be scheduled for CalFresh if CW is denied solely due to no show for the first interview. Send a NOMI CF 386 if the household fails to be available for the phone interview.
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