Regulation [63-300.36]
A household may voluntarily withdraw its application for CalFresh benefits any time before eligibility has been determined, whether it's for intake or recertification. However, once eligibility has been determined, the application cannot be withdrawn anymore. Instead, a written Notice of Approval or Denial must be provided to the household.
A withdrawal is an action that the client initiates for their own reasons. The Eligibility Worker is not to advise or suggest that the client withdraw their application, regardless of perceived ineligibility.
A 21-year-old single man living with his parents, who are both under 60, applies for CalFresh. When told that he must include his parents on the application, he withdraws because he does not wish to involve them. The application may be withdrawn since the parents' information is unknown, and an eligibility determination cannot be made without it.
At the intake interview, a household was determined eligible for $16. The application cannot be withdrawn because an eligibility determination has been made. It must be approved, and the approval notice must be provided to the household.
Method to Withdraw Application
An applicant may use any of the following methods to withdraw an application for CalFresh benefits.
- Complete and sign a "Withdrawal of Application" (SCD 166) or "Notice of Withdrawn Application" (CW 10), or
- Submit a signed written statement that the applicant does not wish to complete the application or
- Verbally notify Social Services that the applicant does not wish to complete the application.
Important: When a verbal withdrawal is made, the EW must take action as follows:
Contact the household and inform them they cannot file for a hearing but may reapply at any time or provide the household with the SCD 166 or CW 10. (If the form is mailed, it does not have to be returned).
Document the withdrawal reason on the Journal Detail page and state that contact was made with the household to confirm the withdrawal.
A withdrawal NOA is not provided if the applicant withdraws from the application.
Partial Withdrawals
An application cannot be partially withdrawn (e.g., for only one month). It must be withdrawn for ALL months.
An applicant applies on November 26, wanting benefits for December and future months, but not for November. The applicant must either apply for benefits for both November and December, or sign a withdrawal for benefits for both November and December. If a withdrawal is signed, the applicant may then come back and reapply in December. The applicant may not sign a withdrawal for November benefits alone, even when the initial interview is not conducted until December.
Right to Reapply
A household that withdraws its application must be advised of the right to reapply at any time in the future.
A household that has withdrawn its application cannot reactivate that application. It must file a new application.
Hearing Rights
Once the applicant withdraws their application, they will not be entitled to file for a hearing.
Document in the Journal Detail page:
- The reason for the withdrawal, if known, and
- That contact was made by phone or in person with the household to confirm the withdrawal.