Authorized Representative
Definition of an Authorized Representative [63-402.6]
An AR is an adult non-household member who is authorized to act on behalf of a household in one or all of the following capacities:
- Apply for CalFresh;
- Complete work registration forms;
- Use the EBT card to purchase the household's food; and/or
- Complete required reporting such as signing the SAR 7.
An individual AR may represent more than one household.
Regardless of the AR’s relationship to the household, the AR must always have sufficient knowledge of the household circumstances to fulfill the roles and responsibilities of an AR.
Important: A SSI/SSP recipient’s Representative Payee for SSI/SSP benefits may also act as a CF AR. However, the HH will need to designate the Representative Payee as the CF AR. It cannot be assumed that the SSI/SSP recipient’s Representative Payee is authorized by the household to act as a CF AR. The SSI/SSP recipient may also choose to have separate individuals serve as a Representative Payee for SSI/SSP and AR for CF.
Refer to Institutional Residents for specific information about ARs of Drug or Alcohol Rehabs, or group living arrangement situations.
Repayment of Overissuances
The Eligibility Worker must inform the household of their responsibility for the repayment of any overissuance resulting from incorrect information provided by an AR.
Issuance of an EBT Card to Authorized Representatives
To Add or Change an AR
[Refer to “Adding an Additional Cardholder to EBT,” page 15-38]]
Removal of an AR
[Refer to “Deleting an Additional Cardholder from EBT,” page 15-40]]
Emergency AR
[Refer to “Adding an Additional Cardholder to EBT,” page 15-38]]
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