General Assistance (GA)



A General Assistance grant is considered unearned income (whether employable or unemployable).

The GA grant is budgeted prospectively.

Vendor Payments

Follow the chart below to budget a GA Housing Vendor Payment issued for (not received by) a GA client.

IF the GA Housing Vendor Payment is ISSUED for a GA recipient who: THEN:
Is a CalFresh HH member, Count the entire GA grant, including the vendor payment, as income to the household. Include the GA recipient's portion of shelter costs in the HH's total shelter costs.
Is a tenant (roomer) (Refer to Separate Households.) Count the GA Housing Vendor Payment as earned income from self-employment, after subtracting any identifiable and verified cost of doing business or the 40% self-employment deduction. Count the CalFresh HH's full shelter costs, including any portion met by the GA vendor payment.
Is a boarder (Refer to Boarder for definition.) Count the GA Housing Vendor Payment as earned income from self-employment, after subtracting the amount of the Thrifty Food Plan for the GA recipient. Count the CalFresh HH's full shelter costs, including any portion met by the GA vendor payment.

Resettlement/VOLAG Funds

[63-501.111; 63-502.2(b), (c) & (j); 63-502.141; 63-502.146]]

These funds may be classified as a resource, excluded income, unearned income, or any excluded charitable contribution depending on the situation.

  • Funds given directly to the household as a one-time lump sum payment are counted as a resource.
  • Funds disbursed as a vendor payment for rent, clothing, etc., are considered excluded income. HOWEVER, ANY EXPENSES PAID WITH A VENDOR PAYMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED AS A DEDUCTION.
  • Funds given directly to the household in more than one payment (not in a one-time lump sum payment), are counted as unearned income in the month(s) received.
  • If the funds are charitable cash contributions, the funds would be excluded income up to $300 per calendar period. Funds exceeding that amount per period would be counted as unearned income.
  • If matching federal funds are involved, that portion of funds would be considered unearned income.

Boarders [63-402.3]


Refer to Household Composition for the definition and household composition treatment of a boarder.


Boarders may be included as members of the CalFresh household at the household's request. The income and other circumstances of the boarder must then be included in determining the household's eligibility and benefits.

An individual who pays less than reasonable compensation to the household which provides him/her with meals and lodging will be considered a member of that household. His/her income and other circumstances must be included when determining the household's eligibility and benefits.


A boarder living with a CalFresh household pays $100 monthly for room and board. If the Thrifty Food Plan for one person is $162, then the boarder is considered a member of that CalFresh household

When the boarder is not included as a household member, the payment that the boarder gives to the household for lodging and meals shall be treated as self-employed earned income to the household, after deducting the amount of the Thrifty Food Plan as an expense.


A boarder living with a CalFresh household pays $200 monthly for room and board. If the Thrifty Food Plan for one person is $162, then the income to the CalFresh household shall be computed as follows:

$200 Room and board payment
–$162 Thrifty Food Plan allotment for one person
$38 Net self-employment earnings counted on the CalFresh budget.

Apply the 20% earned income deduction to the net self-employment earnings.

Foster Children

Foster children are considered boarders and should be excluded from the CalFresh household as non-household members, unless the household specifically requests that they be included:

  • If the foster child is included in the CalFresh household at the household's request, count the entire Foster Care grant as income to the household.
  • If the household does not choose to include the foster child as a household member, none of his/her income is counted toward the CalFresh household.
  • The foster child who is considered a boarder is not required to pay reasonable compensation to the household.

Note: This applies to children in receipt of Kin GAP as well.

Related Topics

Refer to Foster Care Children for detailed policy information regarding Foster Care children.

Refer to Children Under Age 22 [63-402.142] for information regarding adopted children.

Refer to Unearned Income [63-502.14] for information regarding AAP.