UIB/DIB Offsets

On the PVS report, there are specific codes that identify offsets to UIB or DIB. The following chart shows the way the various offsets to UIB/DIB are to be treated in CalFresh.

Earnings - UIB/DIB is reduced because of earnings. The HH should report earnings on the QR 7. X
Partial Wages - The HH should report wages on the QR 7. X
Benefit Reduction due to penalty - Since a HH’s financial circumstances are not considered in determining eligibility for UIB/DIB, the reduction amount is not counted as income. X
Workers’ Compensation - The HH should report Workers’ Compensation benefits on the QR 7. X
Work Share Earnings/2 Persons sharing 1 job - The HH should report earnings on the QR 7. X
Recomputation Down/Recomputed Claim - Two persons may be using the same SS# and paying into state disability. Upon investigation, the person who applied for DIB may or may not have paid into the DIB to be eligible for benefits. Hence, the state disability then re-computes the benefits to determine actual benefits to be issued the eligible person. X
Partial Overpayment Offset - UIB/DIB is being reduced to repay a prior overpayment received from UIB/DIB. X
Full Overpayment Offset - UIB/DIB is being reduced to zero to repay a prior overpayment received from UIB/DIB. X
Pension Benefits/Pension Payment Applied Against UIB - The HH should report pension benefits on the QR 7. X
Child Support - Legally obligated to be paid and otherwise payable to the HH. Count the gross UIB/DIB payment, but the child support amount paid is allowed as a deduction.
[Refer to “Unearned Income [63-502.14],” page 19-9], “Child Support [63-502(p)],” page 19-22, and “Child Support Paid,” page 22-18.]
DIB Voluntary Plan Reduction - Money is voluntarily being deducted from the employee’s paycheck and then paid into a private disability plan (and not through the state disability program).   X
Workers Compensation Voluntary Reduction (WCVR) - DIB - The HH should report Workers Compensation benefits on the QR 7.   X
Benefit Garnishment - Money being withheld to pay child support, unpaid taxes, overpayments from other agencies, etc. Count the gross UIB/DIB amount (including the garnished amount) as income. A child support deduction is allowed if benefits are garnished for child support payment. X  
Prepayment Reduction/Adjustment - Occurs when a client was paid benefits at the full rate (like a wage) which was more than he/she was entitled to because the client failed to report some relevant information.   X
Unallocated Sick Leave Wage - Paid yearly to the client as a regular wage. The household should report wages on the QR 7.   X
Simultaneous Coverage - Occurs when an employee is working for two different employers. One employer may elect to participate in a voluntary plan and the other employer in a state disability plan. Money is deducted from the employee’s paycheck and paid into the voluntary plan.   X
Voluntary Withholdings - e.g., taxes withheld or deducted from a client’s benefits. X  

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