Delayed Processing

An application for recertification is considered delayed any time it is processed outside of the normal timeline, which means the recertification process was not completed by the end of the final month of the certification period. When an application for recertification is processed outside of the normal timeline, delayed processing is applied to the case. An application for recertification may be delayed when submitted timely or untimely by the client, depending on the circumstances.

Timely and Untimely Application

Any application for recertification submitted on or before the 15th day of the final month of the certification period is considered timely. Any application for recertification submitted after the 15th day of the final month of the certification period is considered untimely. Many circumstances may cause a timely or untimely application for recertification to be delayed past the last day of the final month in the certification period, or potentially delayed into the 30 days following the final month of the certification period. When these circumstances occur, counties shall process timely and untimely applications for recertification using the guidance provided in this letter.

Reminder: A CalFresh recertification determines a household’s eligibility for CalFresh benefits, much like an initial certification for CalFresh benefits. For all applications for recertification, including those processed outside of the normal timeline, the household’s eligibility shall be determined based on household composition at the time of the recertification interview and the last 30 days of income.

Proration of Benefits

If the recertification process is completed with the delayed processing, benefits are either prorated or issued with a full allotment of benefits, depending on the cause of the delay.

Application Processing delays

Delays are categorized as follows: (1) County-caused delays, (2) client-caused delays, and (3) client and county-caused delays. The cause of any delay in processing an application for recertification shall be determined under this section, and benefits must be provided accordingly.

In general, if the household caused the delay, benefits are prorated from the date of compliance, if county-caused the delay, benefits are provided for the full month.

County-Caused Delay

A county-caused delay refers to any time an application for recertification is processed outside of the normal timeline due to a delay in processing caused by the county. If a household files a timely application for recertification before the end of the certification period (i.e., before the 15th day), but the recertification process cannot be completed within the final month of the certification period because of a county-caused delay, the county must continue to process the case and provide a full month's benefit allotment for the first month of the new certification period as soon as administratively possible.

Client-Caused Delay

A client-caused delay refers to any time an application for recertification is processed outside of the normal timeline because of a delay caused by the client. If a household files an application for recertification before the end of the certification period, but the recertification process cannot be completed within the final month of the certification period because of a client-caused delay, the county must deny the application at the end of the certification period; this applies to an application for recertification that was filed timely or untimely.

After the county denies the application, the household has up to 30 days after the end of the certification period to complete the recertification process and have its application treated as an application for recertification. If the household takes the required action after the end of the certification period, but within the 30 days following the last month of the certification period, the county shall withdraw the denial and provide prorated benefits, as soon as administratively possible, retroactive to the date the client took the required action and completed the recertification process.

Client and County-Caused Delay

A client and county-caused delay refer to any time an application for recertification is processed outside of the normal timeline because of a delay, or delays, caused by the client and the county. If a household files an application for recertification within the 30 days following the last month of the certification period, the application shall be considered an application for recertification; however, benefits must be prorated based on when the application for recertification is received. If the application for recertification is then delayed further, beyond the first month of what would have been the household’s new certification period through the fault of the county, this is considered the county-caused delay. The household’s benefits for the new certification period shall be prorated based on the date the application for recertification was received. The county shall then provide restored benefits to the household back to the date the household’s certification period should have begun had the county not erred.

Application for Recertification Received More Than 30 Days Following the End of the Certification Period

When an application for recertification is received more than 30 days following the end of the last month of the certification period, this is considered a client-caused delay and delayed processing is not permitted. However, if a complete application for recertification, such as the CF 37, is submitted more than 30 days following the end of the certification period, the county must process the CF 37 as a new application for CalFresh benefits, not as an application for recertification. The county shall not require the client to submit an additional new application for CalFresh.

Denying an Application for Recertification

When a complete application for recertification is received and the household is denied eligibility at recertification, a denial notice must be sent. Further, the Notice of Expiration of Certification form (NEC CF 377.2) does not satisfy the requirement for denying an application for recertification. The NEC form, alone, is only sufficient when an application for recertification is never submitted.

CalFresh Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI) Form at Recertification

When a household misses its initial recertification interview appointment, the county will send the household a NOMI (CF 386). When this occurs, the NOMI shall be dated to reflect the end of the current certification period, even when the certification end date falls on a weekend or a holiday. The certification end date used to populate the NOMI reiterates the same date the household was notified of upon receipt of the Notice of Expiration of Certification form (CF 377.2).

Telephonic Signature (TS)

The following chart describes delayed processing procedures for TS:

  Delayed Processing with Completed Interview Delayed Processing with Missed Interview
1 Send an Appointment Notice (SCD 130TS) and enter the TS appointment in the system Send an Appointment Notice (SCD 130TS) and enter the TS appointment in the system
2 Complete the TS interview on the scheduled date The household missed the interview
3 Enter the type of delay and the reason in the case record NOMI is sent by the system
4 Approve and authorize the application for recertification

The EW sends a text/email reminder on the same day.

  • If the client contacts to reschedule the interview by the 30th day and send an appointment letter
  • If the client contacts by the 30th day to conduct the interview, complete the interview and capture TS
5 Central Support Services sends the completed Yearly Review Letter (SCD 2303), Statement of Facts, and the informational packet to the client. If the client fails to complete the interview, the case remains discontinued as of the last date of the certification month.

CalFresh Recertification Delayed Processing Example Scenarios

Telephonic Signature (TS) Example Scenarios

The following example scenarios are specific to completing delayed processing by TS. Each example scenario is intended only to be used as a reference tool to aid EWs in determining case outcomes when delayed processing is relevant.

County-Caused delay

Example Scenario 1Example Scenario 1

Certification period ends March 31

An appointment letter is sent to the household on March 15

The recertification interview is completed on March 28, and a TS is captured

CW2200 is sent to the household with a due date to provide verifications by April 7

System discontinues the household effective March 31

The household provides the verification on April 5

The worker will rescind the discontinuance as complete recertification and provides a full allotment of benefits for April within five days

Approval NOA is sent to the household.

Client-Caused delays

Example Scenario 1Example Scenario 1

Certification period ends March 31
Appointment letter is sent to the household Feb. 20
The certification interview is completed on March 15, and a TS is captured
CW 2200 is sent to the household with a due date to provide verifications by March 25
Verifications are not received by the due date
The worker sends the household an adequate denial NOA for failure to provide on March 26
The system discontinues the household effective March 31
The household provides the verification on April 6
The worker will restore the case as a complete recertification, and prorate the benefits effective April 6 if all other eligibility requirements are met
Approval NOA is sent to the household.

Example Scenario 2Example Scenario 2

Certification period ends March 31
Appointment letter is sent to the household on Feb 25
The household misses the interview for March 10
NOMI sent on March 11
Reminder email is sent March 11
Case discontinues March 31 for failure to recertify
Client contacts the county on April 18 (client-caused delay)
County schedules interview for April 24
Interview completed April 24 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 30*
Verifications not provided by April 30
CF 37 denied for failure to provide verifications
Denial NOA sent to the household.
*Per the State, the county cannot allow 10 days for verifications in this scenario.

Client-Caused & County-Caused Delay

Example Scenario 1Example Scenario 1

Certification period ends March 31
Appointment letter is sent to the household on March 15 (County-caused delay)
The recertification interview is scheduled for March 25
The household misses the interview (Client-caused delay)
The NOMI is sent to the household on March 26
NOMI reminder text is sent to the household on March 26
The household calls on March 30 to complete the interview, and TS is captured
CW 2200 is sent to the household to provide verification by April 10
The system discontinues the household effective March 31
The verifications are provided on April 17
The worker will restore the case as complete recertification and prorate the benefits effective April 17, the date the final verification is provided
Approval NOA is sent to the household.

Paper Applications

The following example scenarios are specific to completing delayed processing when a paper application is received. Each example scenario is intended only to be used as a reference tool to aid EWs in determining case outcomes when delayed processing is relevant.

Client-Caused Delay

Example Scenario 1Example Scenario 1

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview completed March 15 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by March 25
Verifications not provided by March 25 (client-caused delay)
Verifications provided March 29
Provide full benefits by the household’s normal issuance cycle in the month following the end of their current certification period
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Example Scenario 2Example Scenario 2

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview scheduled March 12
Customer fails to participate in the interview
NOMI issued to the household
Customer contacts the county on March 20 to reschedule an interview
County reschedules the interview for March 23
Interview completed March 23 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 2
Verifications provided March 29
Provide full benefits by the household’s normal issuance cycle in the month following the end of their current certification period
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Example Scenario 3Example Scenario 3

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview scheduled March 12
Customer fails to participate in the interview (client-caused delay)
NOMI issued to the household
CF 37 denied for failure to complete recertification, and denial NOA sent to the household no later than March 31
Customer contacts the county on April 5
County reschedules the interview for April 8
Denial rescinded and interview completed April 8 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 18
Verifications not submitted by April 18
Denial NOA sent to the household for failure to provide verifications by April 18
Verifications provided April 29 (client-caused delay)
Restore the application (as completed recertification) and prorate benefits as of the date the verifications were received by the county (April 29); issue benefits as soon as administratively possible
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Example Scenario 4Example Scenario 4

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Customer fails to participate in interview scheduled March 13 (client-caused delay)
NOMI issued to the household
Case discontinues March 31 for failure to complete the interview
CF 37 denied, and the denial NOA sent to the household no later than March 31
Customer contacts county and reschedules interview for April 4
Interview completed April 4 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 14
Verifications provided April 7
Restore the application (as a completed recertification) and prorate benefits as of the date the verifications were received by the county (April 7); issue benefits as soon as administratively possible.

Example Scenario 5Example Scenario 5

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 not received by the end of the certification period
Case discontinues March 31 for failure to recertify
CF 37 filed April 2 (client-caused delay)
County schedules interview for April 5
Interview completed April 5 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 15
Verifications provided April 13
Restore the application (as a completed recertification) and
prorate benefits from the date the CF 37 was filed (April 2); issue benefits as soon as administratively possible
Approval NOA sent to the household

Example Scenario 6Example Scenario 6

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 not received by the end of the certification period
Case discontinues March 31 for failure to recertify
Customer files CF 37 April 18 (client-caused delay)
County schedules interview for April 24 o Interview completed April 24 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 30*
Verifications not provided by April 30
CF 37 denied for failure to provide verifications
Denial NOA sent to the household.
*Per the State, the county cannot allow 10 days for verifications in this scenario.

Example Scenario 7Example Scenario 7

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview completed March 15 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by March 25
Verifications were not provided by the end of the current certification period
CF 37 denied and denial NOA sent to household no later than March 31
Verifications provided April 3
Restore the application (as completed recertification) and prorate benefits as of the date the verifications were received by the county (April 3); issue benefits as soon as administratively possible
Approval NOA sent to the household.

County-Caused Delay

Example Scenario 1Example Scenario 1

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview scheduled late on March 28
Interview completed March 28 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 7
Verifications provided March 29
Provide full benefits by the household’s normal issuance cycle in the month following the end of their current certification period
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Example Scenario 2Example Scenario 2

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview not scheduled in March
CF 37 denied and denial NOA sent to the household no later than March 31
Customer contacts county because of no benefits issued for April
County schedules interview for April 5
Interview completed April 5 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 15
Verifications provided April 15
Rescind the denial (as completed recertification) and provide full allotment to the household within five working days
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Example Scenario 3Example Scenario 3

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 10
Interview scheduled late on March 29
Interview completed on March 29 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 8
Case discontinues for failure to complete recertification effective March 31
Verifications provided April 3
Rescind the discontinuance (as a completed recertification) and provide full allotment to the household within five working days
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Client-Caused Delay & County-Caused Delay

Example Scenario 1Example Scenario 1

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 filed March 17
Customer fails to participate in interview scheduled for March 19 (client-caused delay)
NOMI issued to the household
Customer calls March 20 to reschedule interview
County reschedules interview for April 4 (county-caused delay)
Case discontinues for failure to complete the recertification effective March 31
Interview completed April 4 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by April 14
Verifications received April 10
Rescind the discontinuance (as completed recertification) and provide full allotment to the household within five working days
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Example Scenario 2Example Scenario 2

Certification period ends March 31
CF 37 not received by the end of the certification period
Case discontinues March 31 for failure to recertify
Customer files CF 37 on April 6 (client-caused delay)
County schedules interview for April 24 (county-caused delay)
Interview completed April 24 and CW 2200 sent; verifications due by May 4
Verifications provided May 4
Restore the application (as a completed recertification) and prorate benefits from the date the

CF 37 was filed (April 6); issue benefits as soon as administratively possible
Approval NOA sent to the household.

Expedited Service (ES)

The following are examples of when to issue ES at RC.


A household's certification period expires October 31. The household files an application for recertification on October 27 and is determined entitled to expedited service (ES). The household's next normal issuance date is November 1. As the household filed the application at least three days before its next normal issuance date, the household retains the right to uninterrupted benefits and the EW must make benefits available by November 1. Since this household filed the application before the expiration of the current certification period and there is no break in benefits, it is not necessary to record the ES application in CalSAWS.


A household certification period expires October 31. The household files an application for recertification on November 1 and is determined entitled to expedited service (ES). The household's next normal issuance date is November 3. As the household did not file the application at least three days before its next normal issuance date, it has lost the right to uninterrupted benefits and the EW has until November 4 (ES processing standard date) to provide benefits. Since this household filed the application after the expiration of the current certification period, the ES application must be entered in CalSAWS.

Benefit Extension

NEVER extend benefits beyond the end of the current certification period without processing RC.


Verification requirements for Non-Assistance households and CE households differ.

Refer to Verification and Verification Requirements at Recertification.

A CalFresh household MUST be allowed at least ten (10) days to provide verification at recertification. If the household’s recertification cannot be completed by the end of its current certification period due to the 10-day time period allowed, the EW must issue benefits within 5 working days after the verification is received and the household’s benefits are NOT prorated.


The recertification is due in May. The household completes the recertification interview on May 29 but needs to provide some additional verifications. The client has until June 8 to provide the verifications. If the household provides the verifications by June 8, benefits must be issued by June 15 and June benefits are NOT prorated.

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Recertification Forms