Countable Resources

Liquid Resources [63-501.1]

  • Cash, savings and checking accounts, savings certificates, trust deeds, and notes receivable.
  • Stocks and bonds.
  • Any portion of payment saved from Guaranteed Income (GI) payments
  • Nonrecurring lump sum payments:
    • Cal-Learn bonuses for a good report card or high school graduation
    • CalWORKs homeless payments for temporary or permanent housing
    • CalWORKs diversion payments if the payment is not defined as assistance
    • Child support COLLECTED by the DCSS in a month in which the HH is NOT on CalFresh 
    • which is issued to the HH in a later month when the HH is on CalFresh
    • Insurance settlements
    • Gate money or release allowance given to an inmate/parolee upon his/her release from prison
    • Lottery winnings received in a single payment (unless deemed as a substantial lottery and/or gambling winnings. Refer to Chart Book Chapter 2 for current substantial lottery and/or gambling winnings resource limit)
    • Rebates or credits
    • Rental or security deposit refunds
    • Retroactive Social Security or Railroad retirement
    • Tax refunds
    • Vacation pay received in a single payment after employment ceases.
  • Retroactive public assistance payments (subtract the current month's benefit):
    • Approval of an application
    • Supplemental or Corrective Payments for a previous month
    • Ordered by the Court.

Nonliquid Resources

  • Personal property.
  • Buildings, land and recreational properties (including outside the U.S.A.).
  • Rental and vacation homes, even if used only on a seasonal basis.

Equity Value

The value of nonexempt property is determined by establishing the equity value of the property:

Fair Market Value
- Encumbrance
= Equity Value

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Exempt Resources