Shelter Proration - Within CalFresh HH

Within the CalFresh household, proration of rent is based on the number of contributors to the expense.

Contributors are those household members:

  • Who share the residence and the expenses of that residence by paying or obligating money from their separate income or resources, or
  • Who per regulations are automatically considered contributors.

A determination must by made if an excluded member is a contributor. There are three separate categories of excluded household members. The treatment of each of these types of contributors is different and is as follows:

Note: SUA is NEVER prorated. The eligible CalFresh HH members are entitled to the FULL SUA.

Ineligible Student Excluded Members [63-502.373(c)]

If the CalFresh eligible household members share expenses with members who are excluded because they are ineligible students, fixed amounts contributed by these excluded members MUST be deducted from the allowable expense. Only the remaining dollar amount shall be allowed as the CalFresh household’s deduction. If an individual pays a fixed amount, he/she is:

  • NOT considered a contributor, and
  • NOT included in the count if proration is required due to the presence of other excluded CalFresh HH members.


Two separate households share a house. Only one of the households receives CalFresh. Total rent: $1000 - each household pays 1/2 of the rent. CalFresh HH share of rent is $500. SUA is allowed in the CalFresh budget.

The CalFresh HH consists of an SSI grandmother, her daughter who is working and is an ineligible non-citizen and her citizen granddaughter. They purchase and prepare food together. SSI grandmother pays $200 of the rent and $25 of the PG&E bill.

CalFresh HH Rent: $500 minus $200 rent paid by SSI grandmother equals $300.
$300 rent divided by 2 contributors (mother and daughter) = $150 rent allowed in the CalFresh budget.

SUA is allowed in the CalFresh budget.

If payments or contributions made by these excluded members CAN NOT be differentiated (i.e. pooled income), the expense is prorated evenly among the members contributing to the expense and only the eligible members and IPV/work requirement sanctioned members prorated share is counted as the deduction. In this situation, the excluded Ineligible student member is:

  • Considered a contributor, and
  • Included in the count for the proration.


CalWORKs mom, one child (age 3) and one SSI child (age 2). Mom deposits the CalWORKs and SSI checks into her checking account to pay the family’s expenses (i.e. pooled income). They live with and share rent & PG&E with another separate household.
Their share of rent is $600. CalFresh HH Rent of $600 is divided by 3 contributors (mother and 2 children)= $200 x 2 eligible CalFresh HH members= $400 (amount allowed in the CalFresh budget).

SUA is allowed in the CalFresh budget.


If an excluded student/ABAWD household member does NOT contribute to the expense, he/she is:

  • NOT considered a contributor, and
  • NOT counted in the proration.


Woman with child (age 5) lives with her SSI boyfriend and they buy and prepare food together. The SSI boyfriend would be a member of his girlfriend’s CalFresh household if he were not receiving SSI, therefore he is considered an excluded member of the CalFresh HH. He does not contribute to the rent and utility expenses of the residence.

They share a house with another couple. The two households split the cost of rent and utilities (including PG&E). $800 rent divided by 2 households living in the residence= $400 per household. $400 rent allowed in the CalFresh budget. SUA is allowed in the CalFresh budget.

Ineligible Non-citizen/ABAWD or SSN Disqualified Excluded Members

  1. Excluded non-citizen/ABAWD and SSN disqualified household members with their own income are AUTOMATICALLY considered contributors and MUST be included in the proration of expenses.
    1. If the individual is acting solely as an agent or payee for another household member, he/she would NOT be considered a contributor.
    2. ExampleExample

      An ineligible undocumented non-citizen mom receives CalWORKs for her children. The CalWORKs is NOT considered her income even though she is the payee. She has no income or resources of her own. Therefore she is NOT considered a contributor.

  1. If an ineligible non-citizen/ABAWD or SSN disqualified excluded member pays part or all of the deductible expenses from their separate resources, he/she is considered a contributor.
  2. If any ineligible non-citizen member has income or contributes to the household expense from his/her separate resources, all ineligible non-citizens of that household are counted in the proration.
    1. ExampleExample

      HH composition: Father (undocumented non-citizen); Mother (legal PRUCOL non-citizen), and their 3 citizen children. CalWORKs Assistance Unit (AU) includes mother and the 3 children - one of the children is a maximum family grant (MFG) child - CalWORKs grant is $752. Only the 3 children are on CalFresh. Rent which includes utilities is $400 per month.


      Divide the combined undifferentiated payment by the number of persons for whom it was issued.

      $752 divided by 4 equals $188.

      (Note: The father is NOT included in the proration of the CalWORKs grant since the grant does not include him. The MFG child is included in the proration of the CalWORKs grant since he/she is a member of the Assistance Unit.)

      2 Multiply the prorated amount from STEP 1 by the number of CalFresh eligible members for whom the payment was issued.
      $188 times 3 equals $564
      3 Count the amount determined in STEP 2 in the CalFresh budget.

      Divide the rent by the number of contributors.
      $400 divided by 5 equals $80.00

      (Note: The father is considered a contributor due to the rule that if one excluded non-citizen has income, count all non-citizens in the proration of expenses.)

      5 Multiply the prorated amount from STEP 4 by the number of CalFresh eligible members.
      $80.00 times 3 equals $240.00
      6 Count the amount determined in STEP 5 in the CalFresh budget.
  1. If any SSN disqualified member contributes to the household expense, all SSN disqualified members of that household are counted in the proration.
    1. ExampleExample

      HH composition: Father (SSN Disqualified); Mother (eligible) and their daughter (SSN disqualified). The father and mother are apartment managers. They receive a free apartment and a combined undifferentiated payment of $500 for all services performed per their contract. They pay their own utilities and are eligible to SUA. The father does the gardening and maintenance and the mother cleans & shows vacant apartments and does the record keeping. Only the mother receives CalFresh.


      Divide the combined undifferentiated payment by the number of persons for whom it was issued.
      $500 divided by 2 equals $250

      (Note: The daughter is NOT included in the proration of the combined undifferentiated payment since the contract does not include her.)

      2 Multiply the prorated amount from STEP 1 by the number of CalFresh eligible members for whom the payment was issued.
      $250 times 1 equals $250
      3 Count the amount determined in STEP 2 in the CalFresh budget.

      SUA is allowed in the CalFresh budget.

      As long as the CalFresh household, including excluded or ineligible members, incur heating/cooling costs separate from the housing cost, the eligible CalFresh HH members are entitled to SUA for the household.

Note: These three groups (i.e non-citizens/ABAWDs, and SSN disqualified) are now considered three separate categories for proration of DEDUCTIONS. EXAMPLEEXAMPLE

CalFresh HH composition: Ineligible non-citizen mother, ineligible non-citizen father, CalFresh eligible citizen child, and excluded SSN disqualified (citizen) child.

Father works and earns $1200 monthly. Rent is $600 and they pay PG&E. The family has no other income or resources.

There are three contributors (Ineligible non-citizen father, mother and the CalFresh eligible child). Expenses are divided by 3 and only the CalFresh eligible member’s prorated share is allowed in the CalFresh budget. The SSN disqualified child is NOT considered a contributor since he/she does not have income or resources and there is no other SSN disqualified member who contributes.

  1. Even if the ineligible non-citizen/ABAWD or SSN disqualified excluded member pays a fixed amount, the known contribution is NOT deducted. The expenses MUST be prorated allowing the CalFresh HH its prorated share.


CalWORKs mother and her three children live with her ineligible non-citizen boyfriend. They purchase and prepare food together. He pays $150 per month for rent and utilities. Total rent: $400; CalFresh HH is eligible for SUA.

$400 rent divided by 5 contributors times 4 CalFresh eligible HH members = $320 prorated rent allowed in CalFresh budget.

SUA allowed in CalFresh budget.

Known contribution ($150) of ineligible non-citizen is not deducted. The expenses are prorated, and the CalFresh HH is allowed all but the ineligible non-citizen’s portion of the expenses.

IPV/Work Disqualified Excluded Members

The IPV/ Work Disqualified excluded member category included individuals excluded as:

  • Intentional Program Violators
  • Work Requirement Disqualified
  • Fleeing Felons
  • Parole Violators
  • Probation Violators,
  • Convicted Drug Felons.

In prorating expenses, an IPV/work requirement disqualified excluded member is AUTOMATICALLY considered a contributor and included in the proration.

Count the eligible CalFresh HH members and excluded IPV/work requirement disqualified members’ share of the expense in the CalFresh budget.


HH consists of: Mother (IPV disqualified) who has no income or resources, her 2 CalWORKs children, and SSI boyfriend who eats with the family and pools income with them. They all meet the definition of a contributor.
Total rent: $600; eligible for SUA.

$600 rent divided by 4 contributors x 3 (2 eligible CalFresh HH members + 1 IPV excluded member) = $450 prorated rent allowed in the CalFresh budget.

SUA allowed in the CalFresh budget.

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Contributors - Within the CalFresh HH