Supplemental Payments and Claims Definitions

Manual section is included in parenthesis (if applicable)

Administrative Error (AE) (63-801.22)

An overissuance caused by county error when all information necessary was available at the time of the issuance.

Date of Discovery (63-801.111)

The date that the budget is actually computed, showing that an overissuance occurred.

Disqualified Recipient (63-402.22)

Those persons in a CalFresh household who are ineligible to receive benefits. The income and resources of these persons are still counted when determining eligibility and benefits.

Date Claim Established

The date the adequate demand notice (Notice of Action with the Repayment Agreement) is issued to the client.

Inadvertent Household Error (IHE) (63-801.21)

An overissuance caused by a misunderstanding or unintentional error on the part of the household, or the sponsor of a noncitizen household. In most cases an overissuance which results from errors on the part of both the county and the household is considered an IHE. An overissuance which results from intentional non-reporting by the household is considered an IHE until it is legally declared to be an intentional program violation (IPV).

Intentional Program Violation (IPV) (63-801.23)

An overissuance that has been judged by an Administrative Disqualification Hearing official, or by a court of the appropriate jurisdiction, as being caused by misrepresentation or concealment of the material facts by the household.

Supplemental Payments (63-802.1)

Benefits that were not received due to an underissuance.

Offset Benefits (63-802.54)

The process used to balance an underissuance against an overissuance.

Overissuance (63-102.0)

The amount by which the allotment issued to a household exceeds the amount it was eligible to receive.

Underissuance (63-102.U(1))

The difference in allotment when a household received less benefits than it was entitled to receive.

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Supplemental Payments and Underissuances (U/I)