Thrifty Food Plan

The Thrifty Food Plan is the maximum benefit amount which may be issued to a household with zero net income.

Gross/Net Income Test Limits

The Gross and Net Income Test Limits are used to determine income eligibility for non-assistance households prior to the determination of benefit amount.

Households that are CE are not subject to Gross or Net Income Tests.

Households that contain at least one elderly or disabled member are not subject to the Gross Income Test.

Elderly and Disabled Separate Household Test Limit

This test is applied to total gross income of OTHERS with whom a disabled elderly person and spouse live WHEN THE DISABLED ELDERLY PERSON IS UNABLE TO PURCHASE AND PREPARE MEALS SEPARATELY DUE TO DISABILITY. If the income of the others in the home is below the limit, the elderly and disabled person and spouse may be considered a separate household.


Refer to the Chart Book “CalFresh Charts,” page 2-1, for a chart of the Thrifty Food Plan, Gross Income Test Limits, Net Income Test Limits, and Elderly & Disabled Separate Household Test Limits.

Related Topics

Refer to Income Tests for further information on the Income Tests.

Refer to Income Deductions for information on how to compute the net income amount.