Verification Chart

For CE households, the EW will accept the cash aid verification for the following factors: Resources, Gross and Net Income limits, SSN information, Sponsored Noncitizen information, and Residency.



A picture ID is not required.

Verify for the head of household and authorized representative.

At the time of application or recertification.
  • Any documentation that reasonably establishes identity, such as driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, work or school ID, wage stubs, MEDS, or any other county records.
  • Can use collateral contact if no other verification is available. Document.
SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285 at application and recertification; otherwise, journal entry. 
Verify the household is currently living in Santa Clara County.

At application or recertification if not previously verified. May be delayed:

  • Until RC for migrant farmworker HHs or HHs newly arrived in the county.
  • Indefinitely for homeless HHs.

When a change is reported, it is questionable.

Establish when other verifications are requested/received; rent receipts, utility bills, or ID may be used.

Or collateral contact if documented why used.

Home visits may be used only if documentary evidence cannot be obtained and the visit is scheduled in advance. Document.

SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285

Maintain Case Comments window if collateral contact, home visit, or unable to verify at the application


Obtain SSN or proof of application for each household member.

At application.

Only the SSN itself or proof of application (MC 194) is required at application.

Proof of application includes, but is not limited to:

MC 194

SSA 5028

Hospital-issued “Message from Social Security” (SSA-2853-OP4).

Subsequent verification is required through IEVS.

SAWS 2 Plus, or CF 285, and Maintain Case Comments window:

  • When IEVS verification is received.
  • If a member has been given an additional 30 days for good cause, the member has been denied or disqualified from participation.


  • To establish an elderly/ disabled household
  • To allow a deduction for excess medical expenses.
  •  Establish separate household status when the disability prevents the individual from purchasing and preparing their own meals.
At application or when there is a change.
  • Award letter
  • Check photocopy
  • Letter from a doctor listing the disability and expected duration
  • Other proof
SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285 at application and recertification; otherwise, case journal.


Do Not allow SUA, LUA, or TUA.

Verify before allowing the deduction.    

Noncitizen STATUS:

Must be verified for each noncitizen household member 


Do not issue benefits for any noncitizen until the status is verified, except for Expedited Services (ES).

I-551, I-94, I-151, I-688 or other INS SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285; Journal entry when adding noncitizen to the household.
  • Verify non-exempt income for all households.
  • Prorated income from excluded or disqualified household members must be verified.
  • When all attempts to verify income have been unsuccessful because the person or organization providing the income has failed to cooperate with the household and the EW, the EW will take an affidavit from the client, determine an amount to be used for certification purposes based on the best available information, and document.
  • Prior to certification and at recertification.
  • When processing
  • SAR 7 if new, changed, or terminated.

Excluded income: When first reported, and any changes in the source and amount of the income.


  • At intake, proof of income earned over the last 30 days from the date of application.
  • Photocopy of wage stubs or employer's statement. If information is recorded by EW: date, employer, gross, and frequency of receipt.
  • Receipts from roomer, boarder, or renter.


  • Award letters.
  • Statement from college financial aid office for student income (proof of tuition and mandatory fees to be deducted from student income).
  • Photocopies of checks or receipts, when they are for the gross amount. Award letters are preferable for social insurance and pension funds. (Social Security checks may have amounts deducted for Medicare; pension checks may also have deductions subtracted.)
  • Statements from persons supplying income.
  • Copy of the MEDS Bendex Screen for Social Security.

NOTE: If documentary evidence is unavailable, verbal confirmation from someone outside the household may be used. Document.

SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285-A2. If PA, use photocopies with SAR 7 and document that they are on file.
Maintain Case Comments window


  • Reported and verified information including any anticipated changes in the household’s medical expense which can be reasonably expected to occur during the certification period for HHs based on available information about the recipient’s medical condition, public or private insurance coverage, and current verified medical expenses.
  • DFA 285D is not required unless needed to issue an immediate need.
Verify at Certification, Recertification, OR if a household VOLUNTARILY reports a change during the period/ certification period of $25 or more, which will result in an increase in the household’s allotment.

Medical and hospital bills.

MC 177S if the person incurs a share of the cost.

Bills for prescription drugs, eyeglasses, and insurance premiums, including Medicare, dental bills, and transportation expenses, require verification. If documentary evidence is not available, collateral contact is allowed if documented.

For medical transportation, verify the frequency of visits using a physician's statement or medical bills. Obtain receipts for carpools or taxis.

SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285


All of the following must be verified to be excluded from income:

  • Legal obligation to pay, and
  • Amount of legal obligation, and
  • Actual amount paid per month.
  • Verify if allowed as a deduction in the budget.

Verify when:

  • First excluded/ allowed as a deduction or
  • Change in legal obligation, or
  • Actual payment amount increases.

Do not verify a decrease in the actual child support amount paid.

Legal Obligation and Amount:

  • Court order, or
  • Administrative order, or
  • Legal separation document, or
  • Verification from the Local Child Support Agency

Actual Amount Paid:

  • Cancelled check, or
  • Money order receipt, or
  • A note from the custodial parent with the amount, date, dependent name, and custodial parent's signature.
  • Wage withholding statement
  • UIB withholding statement
  • Family Support Trustee receipt or statement.
SAWS 2 Plus, or CF 285, or Maintain Case Comments window

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