Questionable Information



To be considered questionable, the information on the application must be inconsistent with statements made by the applicant, inconsistent with other information on the application or previous applications, or inconsistent with information received by the EW. When determining whether information is questionable, the EW shall base the decision on the household's circumstances. A household's report of expenses that exceed its income prior to deductions may be grounds for a determination that further verification is required. In instances, a household's report of no income prior to deductions while still managing its financial affairs could also justify the need for additional verification. However, these circumstances must not, in and of themselves, be grounds for a denial. The eligibility worker must instead explore with the household how it is managing its finances, whether the household receives excluded income or has resources, and how long the household has managed under these circumstances.


Reminder: verification for exempt income is not required unless it is questionable. 

When requiring verification of questionable information, EWs are reminded to adequately document why the information was deemed questionable in the case record, and verification was requested.

Procedures in this section apply when information concerning one of the following eligibility requirements is questionable.

Household Composition

The eligibility worker must verify any factors affecting the composition of a household if questionable. Individuals who wish to be a separate household from those with whom they reside will be responsible for proving that they are a separate household. Individuals who wish to be a separate household due to age and disability, will also be responsible for obtaining the cooperation of the individuals with whom they reside in providing the necessary income information to the eligibility worker, to be able to complete the 165% test, and for providing (at eligibility worker request) a physician's statement that they cannot purchase and prepare their own meals.

For any household member affirming a permanent disability that is questionable (not apparent) to the eligibility worker, under the definition of “Elderly or disabled member,” the household will provide (at eligibility worker request) a statement from a physician or licensed or certified psychologist to assist the eligibility worker in making a disability determination.


When a household's statement that one or more of its members are U.S. citizens is questionable, the household will be asked to provide acceptable verification. Refer to Citizenship for specific requirements for verification of citizenship.

Work Registration

If a household member's work registration exemption due to participation in CWES is questionable, the EW is responsible for verifying that the household member is subject to and participating in the program under Title IV of the Social Security Act.

If a household's work registration exemption due to receipt of or application for unemployment compensation is questionable, the EW is responsible for verifying either that the household member is receiving unemployment compensation or that the household member has applied for unemployment compensation and that this household member was required to register for work with EDD as a part of unemployment compensation application process. The EW will verify the household member's work registration exemption with the appropriate office of EDD.

If a household member's work registration exemption due to participation in the GA Program's VSD is questionable, the EW is responsible for verifying that the household member is subject to, and participating in the VSD process.

If a household member's good cause for voluntary quit is questionable, the EW shall request verification.

  • To the extent that the information given by the household is questionable, EW will request verification of the household's statements. The primary responsibility for providing the good cause verification rests with the household. If it is difficult or impossible for the household to obtain documentary evidence in a timely manner, the EW will offer assistance to the household in obtaining needed verification. Acceptable sources of verification include, but are not limited to:
    • the previous employer
    • employee associations
    • union representatives
    • grievance committees or organizations.
  • Whenever documentary evidence cannot be obtained, the EW will substitute a collateral contact. The EW is responsible for obtaining verification from acceptable collateral contacts provided by the household.
  • If the household and EW are unable to obtain requested verification from these or other sources because the cause for the quit resulted from circumstances that for good reason cannot be verified, such as a resignation from employment due to discrimination practices or unreasonable demands by an employer or because the employer cannot be located, the household will not be denied access to the program.

Categorical Eligibility (CE) Status

When questionable, verify that no household member has been disqualified.

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