Deprivation of Parental Support or Care


Deprivation of parental support or care is a separate and specific eligibility factor for CalWORKs. A child's deprivation is based on the status of their parents.

The basis for deprivation shall be determined:

  • At the time of application,
  • When the SAR 7 is processed (once per year)

Impact of Semi-Annual Reporting on Deprivation

A CalWORKs recipient must demonstrate continued eligibility under the deprivation requirement only once per payment period based on the information reported on the SAR 7. Deprivation for an AU may change mid-period, but the EW cannot decrease benefits or discontinue the case based on changes in deprivation until the SAR 7 for the payment period is processed.

Basis of Deprivation


A child is considered deprived of parental support or care if either parent is:

  • Deceased.
  • Physically or mentally incapacitated.
  • Unemployed.
  • Continually absent from the home in which the child is living.

When the child is deprived of parental support or care for more than one reason, eligibility may be established on any basis of deprivation. The basis of deprivation which permits federal participation shall be used whenever possible.

Related Topics

Definition of a Parent

Termination of Deprivation

Parent is Deceased

Physical or Mental Incapacity of a Parent

Continued Absence of a Parent