Stepparent Budgeting Examples

Situation #1

Married couple, each parent has a separate child, no common children. Continuing CalWORKs for the mother and her child. Mother has no income, other than CalWORKs. Stepfather employed, earns $800 per month. This is an "Employable" AU of 2 and a non-AU of 2 (a "family" of 4). The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #2

Married couple, mother has two separate children, and there is one common child with no deprivation. Mother has no income other than CalWORKs. Stepfather employed, earns $625 per month. He also receives $500 in TWC. This is an "Employable" AU of 3 and non-AU of 2 (a "family of 5). The budget computationcomputation shows.

Situation #3

Married couple, mother has two separate children and is pregnant with stepfather's child. Stepfather has one separate child. Mother has no income other than CalWORKs. Stepfather employed, earns $1,399 per month. He pays $100 in child support. The stepfather’s separate child receives $300 monthly in child support from the absent mother. This is an “Employable” AU of 3, non-AU of 2 and “family” of 5. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Note: A deduction is not allowed for the court-ordered child support payment. The income of the separate child is not counted as income to the AU nor as income to the "family".

Situation #4

Married couple, mother has five separate children, and there is one common child with no deprivation. Mother is not in the AU as she was sanctioned by Employment Services. The stepfather is employed and earns $900 per month. He pays $100 monthly in child support. The mother is also employed. She earns $600 per month. She pays $40 monthly for after-school care for each of her children who is in the AU. This is an "Employable" AU of 5, a non-AU of 2 and a "family" of 8. The needs of the mother cannot be met as either an AU or non-AU member, as she is excluded from these units due to a Employment Services sanction. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Note: A deduction is not allowed for the child support payment or the child care payment.

Situation #5

Married couple, mother has five separate children and there is one common child. The mother and her children are on CalWORKs. Mother is disabled and receives $600 per month from State Disability Insurance (SDI). The stepfather is employed, earns $1,000 per month. This is an "Unemployable" AU of 6, a non-AU of 2 and a "family" of 8. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #6

Married couple, mother has two separate children, and there are two common children with no deprivation. The mother receives $450 per month in Unemployment Insurance. The stepfather is employed and earns $850 per month. He pays all the rent and utilities directly to the providers. Regardless of the individual family arrangements (i.e. who pays which bill, etc.) we only count the stepparent’s income as determined by the formula. There is no income in-kind. This is an “Employable” AU of 3, a non-AU of 3 and a “family” of 6. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #7

Applicant applies for herself and her two children. Also living in the home is the stepparent and his separate child. The stepparent earns $800 per month from employment. The mother receives $300 per month in SDI. This is an “Unemployable” AU of 3, a non-AU of 2 and a “family” of 5. The applicant eligibilityeligibility shows:

Situation #8

The AU consists of five members (mom, her three children and a RDP/Same-sex spouse). The mom has earned income of $200/month. The RDP/same-sex spouse has earned income of $475/month and chooses to be included in the AU. Click herehere for example.

Situation #9

The AU consists of five members (mom, her three children and a RDP/Same-sex spouse). The mom has earned income of $200/month. The RDP/same-sex spouse has earned income of $475/month and chooses NOT to be included in the AU. Click herehere for example.

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General Information

Stepparent Unit