Child MAP

Determination of Child MAP for 1 Excluded Child

The “Child MAP” is the figure used to determine if the monthly child support received by a child exceeds the CalWORKs grant amount that the child receives or would receive if approved at application.

EWs must determine the difference between the potential MAP for the AU and MAP for the next AU size in order to determine the portion of the CalWORKs grant allocated to the child.

The figures are determined using a methodology based on the MAP for the AU size with the child included minus the MAP for the AU without the child plus the amount of the child support disregard (MAP for AU-MAP for AU without the child + disregard). If the amount of child support received is greater than that amount, the child is eligible.

[Refer to the Child Maximum Aid Payment (MAP) Chart in the CalWORKs Chart Book for current MAP and current child support disregard calculations for single child exclusions\.]

Note: The below examples are using the amount of $50 for the disregard. Effective 01/01/2022 the disregard amount can be up to $100 for a household with one child in the AU and up to $200 for a household with two or more children in the AU.

Example Example Mom with 3 children: (Non-exempt MAP AU of 4) $1060 - (Non-exempt MAP AU of 3) $878 + $50 (CS Disregard)= $232, the portion of the grant allocated to the step/half-sibling which is considered the Child MAP. 

Determination of Child MAP for 2 or More Excluded Children

The methodology is slightly different for second and subsequent children participating in the same AU. Because the AU receives the child support disregard only once per month, regardless of the number of child support payments received in that month, the child support disregard is only considered in the child MAP calculation for the first child.

[Refer to the Child Maximum Aid Payment (MAP) Chart in the CalWORKs Chart Book for current MAP and current child support disregard calculations for multiple child exclusions.


Mom and 4 children, mom voluntary chooses to opt-out 3 of the children that receive child support and are eligible for the exclusion:

Child 1’s Child MAP is calculated: AU of 5 MAP minus AU of 4 MAP plus $50 child support disregard. Since the child support disregard was already added to Child 1’s Child MAP, it will not be added again for any subsequent children that are opted-out.

  1. Determine Child MAP for Child 1
    1. $1242 - $1060 + $50 (C/S Disregard) = $232
  2. Determine Child MAP for Child 2
    1. $1060 - $878 = $182
  3. Determine Child MAP for Child 3
    1. $878 - $696 = $182

If any child support disregard is only used for the Child MAP determination, and if any child support is collected and/or received/passed through for children who are receiving a cash aid payment in the AU, the AU will still be entitled to the disregard in the month.

Note: When an AU has income, EWs must still use the above calculation in order to determine the amount of the CalWORKs grant allocated to the child.

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