Job Corps

Treatment as Income

Job Corps participants who are adults receiving payments which meet the definition of earned income are allowed the Earned Income Disregard.

Job Corps payments which meet the definition of earned income and are paid to a dependent child are exempt from consideration of income in the recipient net income test.

Payments from Job Corps other than wages, which are intended for and used to cover non-need items, such as child care, supplies, etc., do not meet the definition of income. These payments are exempt from consideration as income because they are unavailable to meet the current needs of the customer.

Income In Kind

Any need item provided for a Job Corps participant who is absent for the entire month is considered exempt as a partial item of need, unless the need item is provided in full for the entire AU.

Readjustment Allowance

The readjustment allowance paid at the end of the training is considered unearned lump sum income. Count the amount remaining after taxes and any other Job Corps deductions.

Related Topics

Earned Income

WIA Income

Other Earned Income

Tips and Meals

Treatment of Excluded Persons Income