IPV Disqualification - Prior to 1/1/98

An individual who committed an IPV prior to January 1, 1998, is ineligible to receive CalWORKs as follows:

  • Six months for the first violation.
  • Twelve months for the second violation.
  • Permanent disqualification from CalWORKs for the third violation.

An individual who committed an IPV prior to January 1, 1998, based upon submitting more than one application for the same period of time and for the purpose of receiving more than one grant of aid, is ineligible for CalWORKs as follows:

  • Two years for the first violation.
  • Four years for the second violation.
  • Permanent disqualification for the third violation.

An individual who committed fraud prior to January 1, 1998, based upon submitting documents for nonexistent children or submitting false documents for the purpose of showing ineligible children to be eligible for aid, is ineligible for CalWORKs as follows:

  • Two years for the first violation.
  • Four years for the second violation.
  • Permanent disqualification for the third violation.

Reminder: The individuals specified above are sanctioned - actually removed from the AU.

Related Topics

Intentional Program Violation (IPV) - General

IPV Penalty Period - On or After January 1, 1998

Application of Fraud Penalties/Sanctions

Disqualification Procedures