Sanction Procedures

The following describes the referral and sanction/penalty procedures for the EW, the CWES Worker and the client:

  1. EW  
    1. Registers the client with CWES via CalSAWS.
  2. CWES Worker  
    1. Contacts the client to schedule an orientation appointment.
  3. Client  
    1. Does not cooperate with CWES.
  4. CWES Worker  
    1. Initiates the cause determination and the compliance process.
      1. Note: The "Sanction of Mandatory Participant" NA 840 NOA is sent by CWES during the compliance process.

    2. Sends a notice to the spouse or other parent in the Aid Unit (AU) informing them they must participate in CWES WTW activities to avoid the sanction.
    3. Gives the case to their Supervisor for review and authorization.
  5. CWES Supervisor 
    1. Reviews the case and authorizes the sanction request in CalSAWS.
    2. Notifies the EW and the EW Supervisor by sending an e-mail on the same day the sanction is authorized.
  6. EW  
    1. Runs EDBC and Authorizes the case.
  7. EWS  
    1. Reviews the CalWORKs case to ensure the appropriate actions were taken.
  8. Client  
    1. Is sanctioned/penalized.

Notices of Action (NOA)

The following NOAs are sent to the client by the CWES Worker to initiate the CWES noncompliance process and to inform them of the effective date of their cash grant decrease.

  • "Sanction of Mandatory Participant Notice" (NA 840)
  • "Removal of the Second Parent’s Needs/Compliance Plan" (NA 845).

The EW is NOT required to send any additional 10-day NOA to lower the AU’s cash grant. The NA 840/845 sent by the CWES Worker is considered a timely and adequate NOA.

Effective Dates

The effective grant decrease date entered on the NA 840/845 and sent by the CWES Worker is auto calculated by CalSAWS and takes into account the CWES 20-day Non-Compliance period and the 10-day NOA requirement for cash grant decreases. The discontinuance date generated by CalSAWS should NOT be overridden.

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CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) Sanctions