Miller v. Healy


On May 26, 1992, the Federal District Court issued an Interim Order in the Miller v. Healy Court Case. The order directed the counties to provide child care reimbursement to AFDC recipients in approved education and training activities who are not enrolled in the GAIN program.


The effective date of the Interim Order is July 1, 1992.


The Miller order shall continue until the Court resolves the pending legal issues concerning the implementation plan and the final implementation of the permanent injunction.


At this time, there is no retroactivity.


The Miller order requires that all AFDC recipients be notified of the availability of child care services under the Non-GAIN Education and Training (NET) Program as follows:

  • The “Important Notice Non-GAIN Education and Training (NET) Program Child Care” (TEMP NET 1) is being sent to all AFDC recipients on July 1, 1992, and October 1, 1994, as a CA 7 Stuffer.
  • All AFDC Intake packets provided to clients on or after July 1, 1992, must include the TEMP NET 1.

If a client calls the EW and wishes more information about the NET program, refer the client to the GAIN NET case manager at 928-3560.

Request for NET Benefits

If a client wishes to apply for the NET benefits, the request must be made in writing. When clients contact their EW, the EW must promptly send the “Request for Non-GAIN Education or Training (NET) Child Care - Coversheet and Request Form” (TEMP NET 2 Coversheet and TEMP NET 2). The address of GAIN is on the Coversheet and instructs the client to return the form to the GAIN Intake Unit. The case-carrying EW must date stamp and forward any requests received to the GAIN Intake Unit, 591 N. King Road.


In order to receive NET benefits, the AFDC recipients must meet specific program criteria. The GAIN NET case manager will review the request and the case file and will determine if there is eligibility for benefits under the NET program, including whether the education or training program is approved. Any payments under the Miller court case will be issued by GAIN. 

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