SSI Approvals
The SSA provides IAR for state-funded CAPI benefits paid while the initial SSI/SSP application was pending, or during a period of CAPI suspension prior to reinstatement.
SSI/SSP provides IAR for the period beginning with the first month of SSI/SSP eligibility, and ending with (and including) the month that the individual’s SSI/SSP payments began.
In order for the Social Security Administration to properly notify the Social Services Agency of SSI/SSP approval and receive IA reimbursement, the EW must have a copy of the “Authorization for Reimbursement of Interim Assistance Initial Payment or Initial Post eligibility Payment” (SSP 14) in Imaging for the duration of the IAR period.
[Refer to "SSI Approvals and Repayment Process" in the DEBS Business Process Handbook for IAR procedures for both GA and CAPI.]