SSA Data and Interfaces Overview


WTPY is a federally mandated computer match with the SSA which has been incorporated into the applicant IEVS. It is available as part of the Applicant IEVS abstract and contains a summary abstract and detail abstracts. The abstracts provide the following Social Security information on:

The WTPY information is obtained directly from SSA and reflects the most current data available. This includes benefits received during the twelve-month period immediately prior to the date of the request. The use of the WTPY system reduces the need to refer clients to SSA to obtain additional information or verification.

Note: SSA has requested that when a “Request to/from Social Security” (SCD 169 or SCD 1955) is used to request information that does not appear on any of the WTPY screens, the specific information needed should be highlighted (, “SSP 14 on file?).”

Use of SCD 169 and SCD 1955

The WTPY will not entirely eliminate the use of the SCD 169 or SCD 1955. These forms will still need to be used when:

  • Information is needed for a specific period of time over twelve months prior to the current date; or
  • Information is needed “immediately”; i.e., sooner than the normal WTPY turnaround time of three to five working days. In this case, the SCD 169 or SCD 1955 will have to be hand-carried to SSA by the applicant/recipient.

Discrepancy Referrals

Referrals should be made to SSA only if a discrepancy cannot be resolved by the client, or through WTPY verification. Use the following basic guideline:



The SSN is NOT validated,

Send the client to SSA with a “Social Security Administration Referral Notice” (MC 194), noting that the SSN could not be validated, and staple a copy of the WTPY response to the form. Be sure to black out any other confidential client information.

There is a benefit discrepancy,

Send a “Request to/from SSA” (SCD 169) or a “Social Security Information Request and Referral” (SCD 1955) to SSA. Attach a copy of the WTPY response to the form. Black out any other confidential client information. Do NOT send the client to SSA.

SSN Validation

The SSN validation process attempts to match the client data in CalSAWS with SSA records. If a match is not found for the entered SSN, the system attempts validation by transposing adjacent numbers in an effort to find a match. Both validated and key entered SSNs are listed on the abstract.

The SSN validation match is made on:

  • SSN
  • Name
  • Date of birth.

The SSN validation will appear on the View IEVS Applicant Report Abstract window.


In order for WTPY to validate a SSN, there must be an SSN on file that meets one of the following criteria:

  • The last name and first name or last name and middle initial entered into CalSAWS must match the name on SSA's file for this SSN. In addition, the date of birth (month/year) must match (the year can be plus or minus one year), or
  • The first name entered into CalSAWS must match the name on SSA's file for this SSN and the date of birth (month/day/year) must be an exact match.

SSN Validation Codes

The SSN validation codes on WTPY are:




Not validated


Validated SSN, matched with SSA files. (No other verification is required)


SSN not validated; DOB is different by more than 1 year.


SSN not validated, name or SSN does not match SSA files, DOB not checked.


SSN not validated; SSN is not in SSA files.


Transposed SSN validated.

In CalSAWS, the codes are not used. Instead the SSN verification status is displayed on the View IEVS Applicant Report Abstract window. The CalSAWS status are:


CALSAWS SSN Verification Status Message


Not validated


SSN Validated Via State Validation Process or SSN Validated Via SSA Ref Process


Unval@SSA, Name and Sex OK, no DOB Match


Unval@SSA, Name not OK, DOB and Sex not Chk.


Unval@SSA, Not in SSA Numident File.


Transposed SSN validated.

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SSA Data