Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Overview
UIB is an employer paid program that provides partial income replacement when you become unemployed or have your hours reduced and meet all eligibility requirements.
This topic contains general information about UIB. Additional UIB information is also contained in other topics, including:
- IEVS Applicant System, UI/DI Match (refer to “UIB/DIB Match,” page 4-10)
- IEVS Applicant System, EDD Match (refer to “EDD Wage Match,” page 4-14)
- IEVS Applicant System, EDD Real-Time Match (refer to “EDD Real-Time Match,” page 4-16)
- On-line Applicant IEVS Inquiries; UI, DI, and EDD Wage and Employment Summary (refer to User’s Guide to State Systems Handbook, “IEVS Applicant System,” page 13-1)
- UIB Benefit Table (refer to Chart Book, “UIB Weekly Benefit Amount,” page 7-4)
Filing a Claim
The EDD does not process walk-in applications for UIB or walk-in requests for printouts/verifications.
A claim for UI can be filed or reopened:
- Online,
- By phone,
- By mail or
- By fax
Applying Online (eApply4UI)
The most efficient and recommended method of applying for a claim is online at UI Online. It is secure, reliable, and the fastest way to file a claim.
Reopening a Claim Online
The fastest way to reopen an existing UI claim is through UI Online. UI Online also allows customers to certify for benefits, access claim information and manage their claim 24 hours a day, seven days a week. UI Online Mobile is available for smart phone and tablet users.
Filing a Claim by Phone
Individuals may file or re-open a UI claim over the phone from 8:00 AM to Noon, Monday‒Friday (not available on state holidays).
- Recorded messages will guide the applicant through the first part of the automated system.
- An EDD customer representative will then enter the claim information into the EDD system during the telephone interview.
- If additional information is needed, the interview will be stopped and the claimant will be instructed to call back when all information is available.
- The telephone numbers listed below can be called for UI services.
- Customer Services representative:
- English - (800) 300-5616
- Spanish - (800) 326-8937
- Cantonese - (800) 547-3506
- Mandarin (866) 303-0706
- Vietnamese - (800) 547-2058
- Deaf and hard of hearing callers - TTY - (800) 815-9387
- Customer Services representative:
Filing a Claim by Mail or Fax
A paper UI Application, (DE 1101) can be completed online or printed and completed by hand. The application can then be faxed or mailed to EDD for processing using the fax number or mailing address on the application.
Information Needed to File a Claim
The claimant must provide all necessary information to EDD, including their:
Personal information:
- Name (including prior names), mailing address and telephone number,
- SSN,
- Driver’s License or ID card number (if they have one),
- Citizenship status,
- If not a U.S. Citizen, alien registration number and expiration date,
- DD Form 214 if they served in the military in the last 18 months.
Employment information including:
- Last employer/company name, supervisor’s name, address (mailing and physical location) and phone number.
- The last date worked and the reason they are no longer working.
- Gross earnings in the last week worked, beginning with Sunday and ending the last day that was worked.
- Information on all employers worked for during the past 18 months, including name, address (mailing and physical location), the dates of employment, gross wages earned, hours worked per week, hourly rate of pay, and the reason you are no longer working.
- “Notice to Federal Employees About Unemployment Insurance,” Standard Form 8 (former federal employees only).
- Benefits received or expected to be received from a former employer including:
- Wages
- Pension payments
- Holiday pay
- Vacation or sick pay
- Ability to work and availability for work.
UI Claim Application Date
The day the individual files a claim with EDD is the application date. A claim begins on the Sunday of the week it is filed, and it lasts for one year. Weekly benefits may be paid for up to 26 weeks, depending on the amount of earnings. Normally, another claim cannot be filed until the benefit year of the first claim ends, even though the individual has received all benefits and he/she is still unemployed. If the date the benefit year begins is more than one year ago, then there is no current claim.
The Extended Benefits program becomes effective only when the unemployment rate is very high. This program pays additional benefits to those who qualify and have collected all the money in their regular claims and who are not eligible for any other UIB Claims. EDD notifies individuals by mail and/or through the media when they become potentially eligible for these benefits.
What Happens After the Claim is Filed
Claim materials should be received by the claimant within 10 days of filing an application for UIB. If there are any questions about the claimant's eligibility, EDD staff will call the employer as well as the claimant to resolve eligibility issues.
- The claim is assigned to an EDD office for processing.
- All further contact, including resolution of a claim dispute (adjudication), is conducted by scheduled telephone interviews.
Certifying for Benefits
If the claimant is found eligible for UIB, eligibility information must be provided to the EDD every two (2) weeks. This is known as certifying for benefits. Claimants may certify through UI Online, EDD Tele-Cert at (866) 333-4606 or by completing and submitting the Continued Claim Form (DE 4581) for each week benefits are claimed.
Payment Information
An EDD debit card will be sent to the claimant with their first week of benefits on the card. All benefit payments will be issued on the EDD debit card. Payment information is updated daily and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the UI Online account or by calling the UI Self-Service Phone Line at (866) 333-4606.
Note: California law requires every person to serve a one week unpaid waiting period.
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