Referral Process

EAS 82-510; CCR 50157, 50185

EW Responsibilities

During the application process or any time an EW discovers or is notified of an absent parent on a CalWORKs and/or Medi-Cal case, the EW must provide the Child/Medical Support packet as listed in Required Forms and give the client a 10-day due date to comply (EAS 82-510, CCR 50101, 50157, 50185).

CalWORKs Cases

If the packet is...


  • Received and complete

  • Update CalSAWS Absent Parents page with the information provided.

    • Refer to Job Aid: Child Support – Support Questionnaire for system entries.

  • Received and incomplete, or

  • Not received

by the 10-day due date

  • Update CalSAWS Absent Parents page with any information provided.

  • Penalize the custodial parent with a 25% grant reduction due to noncompliance.

Important: Do not deny the application or discontinue the case. The child(ren) must be approved/remain active if all other eligibility criteria are met.

Exception: Referrals are not made for pregnant women or pregnant minor mothers until after the child is born.

Medi-Cal Only Cases

If the packet is...


  • Received and complete

  • Update CalSAWS Absent Parents page with the information provided.

    • Refer to Job Aid: Child Support – Support Questionnaire for system entries.

  • Received and incomplete, or

  • Not received

by the first 10-day due date

  • Update CalSAWS Absent Parents page with the information provided.

  • Request the client to provide missing information and give a second 10-day due date.

Note: If the case is at intake and all other required verification is received, approve Medi-Cal for the custodial parent and transfer the case to continuing. Continuing will follow up with the client about the packet.

  • Still incomplete, or

  • Not received

by the second 10-day due date

  • Update CalSAWS Absent Parents page with any new information provided.

  • Request the client to provide missing information and give a third 10-day due date.

Note: If the case is at intake and all other required verification is received, approve Medi-Cal for the custodial parent and transfer the case to continuing. Continuing will follow up with the client about the packet.

  • Still incomplete, or

  • Not received

by the third 10-day due date

  • Deny Medi-Cal for the custodial parent due to noncompliance if the case is at intake and the client did not submit all other required verification.

  • Discontinue Medi-Cal for the custodial parent due to noncompliance if the case is at continuing.

Important: The child(ren) must be approved/remain active if all other eligibility criteria are met.

Exception: The due date for pregnant women must be set to after the 365-day postpartum period as they are not required to comply until then.


Intake EWs must request a Child/Medical Support packet every time a client applies or reapplies for CalWORKs and/or Medi-Cal and there is an absent parent.

If there is an existing record in CalSAWS for the same absent parent, end-date the current entries under the Certification and Agreement section of the Support Questionnaire page. Then add new entries under the Certification and Agreement section. This ensures a referral is sent to the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS).

Re-Evaluations (REs)

The Absent/Unmarried Parent List page in CalSAWS must be updated during the annual re-evalation (RE) when:

  • There is new information on a parent previously referred or exempted,
  • An absent parent has not previously been referred, or
  • The client claims Domestic Abuse Good Cause at RE time.

New or Additional Information

If the recipient has new or additional information regarding the absent parent to report at RE, the EW must:

  • Review the absent parent information in CalSAWS with the client
  • Update the information reported by the client
  • After the RE is completed, send a copy of the Support Questionnaire (CW 2.1Q) to the client and explain that they should review to ensure the information is correct.

Referral Not Required at RE

When a referral is not required at RE due to no change, the EW must:

  • Review the absent parent information in CalSAWS.
  • Document “No Change in absent parent information” in Journal Entry.

Contacting the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)

For specific child support payment verification information, the EW may email the DCSS Centralized Financial Worker at: Information must be requested using the name of the absent parent; however, DCSS can identify cases using the names or Social Security numbers of the parent(s), the CalWORKs case number, or the Child Support number.

If there is a question whether a previous child support referral is active, or any other information needed, the EW may call the DCSS officer for information. A current DCSS Roster indicating who to contact for each portion of the alphabet is available for viewing here. (DCSS cases are listed under the last name of the absent parent.)

Note: Do NOT give clients the phone numbers listed on the DCSS Roster. These are direct phone numbers and are for internal use only.

The email must contain the following information:

  • Subject Line - “Child Support Verification”
  • Worker Name and Number
  • CalSAWS Case Number
  • Client Name
  • Period verification is needed for (i.e., 06/2021-8/2021)

DEBS staff do not need to send the email secure/encrypted to DCSS. The expected turnaround time for emailed responses is approximately 1-2 business days.

Client Responsibility

The caretaker parent or caretaker relative in the home must cooperate within his/her capabilities to establish paternity and obtain child, medical and/or spousal support. Cooperation includes:

  • Identifying and locating the absent or unmarried parent,
  • Completing a "Notice and Agreement for Child, Spousal and Medical Support" (CW 2.1 N&A) and "Support Questionnaire" (CW 2.1Q) and/or “Declaration of Paternity” (CS 909),
  • Appearing at the DCSS office or other specified location, when requested,
  • Providing information to DCSS to obtain child/medical/spousal support payments,
  • Appearing in court or at other hearings or proceedings related to obtaining child/medical/spousal support,
  • Assigning child/medical/spousal support rights to the SSA,
  • Completing the “Good Cause Claim Determination and Transmittal” (CW 51), if Good Cause is claimed,
  • Identifying and providing information concerning any third party who may be liable for medical care (other health coverage), and
  • Turning in to the SDU any child/medical/spousal support which is received directly from the absent parent.

Exception: Applicants are not required to turn in direct support payments received in the month of application.

Failure to cooperate in the child/medical/spousal support enforcement process will result in penalties or sanctions. Refer to CalWORKs - Failure to Cooperate (EAS 82-510) and Medi-Cal - Failure to Cooperate (CCR 50157, 50175, 50379, 51771.5) for more information.

Domestic Abuse Good Cause

Clients may request a Domestic Abuse Good Cause referral exemption if they feel that they or their child(ren) would be in jeopardy if they cooperate in the child/medical/spousal support process. The EW must inform the client that if Good Cause for noncooperation is determined, DCSS will not continue to pursue support until the client requests it.

Exemptions from DCSS Referral

The following types of cases are exempt from referral to DCSS:

  • Cases being restored with a break in aid of less than one calendar month, unless there is new information on the absent parent.
  • Cases which have been reviewed by DCSS and found to have no support potential. The End Date fields must be entered in the appropriate CalSAWS Absent Parents page. This exemption applies (as long as the case remains open) unless there is a change in information or circumstances which would change the support potential (for example, a disabled parent regains health and is now employed or an absent parent immigrates to the U.S., and so on).
  • Cases with aid code K1 for Single-Parent Families and 3F for Two-Parent Families for Safety Net and Fleeing Felon are not referred to DCSS. Cases with these aid codes are not required to assign support rights or cooperate with child support requirements as a condition of eligibility for CalWORKs.

Informing Requirements

The EW must fully explain to the applicant or recipient the child/medical/spousal support cooperation requirements. This includes:

  • An explanation of the 25% grant penalty for noncooperation and/or sanction (discontinuance of an individual’s portion of the grant) for not assigning support rights.
  • The requirement to assign child/medical/spousal support rights to SSA,
  • Turning in to the SDU any directly received child/medical/spousal support.

The client is not to turn in the disregard nor any excess payments.The client has the right to claim Good Cause for not cooperating in obtaining support. The client also has the right to show cooperation by filling out and signing at the DCSS office, an “Attestation Statement” (CS 870), which declares under penalty of perjury that all known facts about the absent parent have been provided.

Related Topics

Child/Medical Support Overview

Parental Responsibility