Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card

Overview and Background

The Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card is a benefit issuance system, for distributing benefits electronically through a debit card. As part of federal welfare reform laws enacted in 1996, Congress required all states to implement an EBT system for distributing benefits. The Office of Technology and Solutions Integration (OTSI) in partnership with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), manages the California EBT Project. The state EBT contractor is the EBT Processor Fidelity Information Services (FIS).

How EBT Works

Once eligibility and level of benefits have been determined, and account is established in the client’s name, benefits are deposited electronically in the account for the eligibility period each month. The client/cardholder is issued a Golden State Advantage card that is used like any other debit card.

Each month, food and/or cash benefits are automatically added to the cardholder’s account. Cardholders use the EBT card to access their CalFresh benefits to purchase food at authorized grocery stores or access their cash benefits at participating retail or ATM locations. Cash purchases can also be made using the card. Unused benefits from one month will be rolled over to the next month and each transaction record (receipt) shows the remaining balance(s).

At the location of the purchase, the EBT card is swiped in a Point of Sale (POS) devices device, and the cardholder enters their personal identification number (PIN) to access the account. As long as there are benefits in the account, the cardholder’s account is debited for the amount of the purchase.

Golden State Advantage Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card

Cash aid and CalFresh clients receive a Golden State Advantage Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card (pictured below). This card is used like a debit card at ATMs and POS devices. The EBT card may be used nationwide at any establishment where the QUEST® sign is displayed. 



Clients may only possess one active card at any given time within each county. In addition, an EBT card can only access those benefits from the account for which the EBT card was issued.

Example  Example  Mrs. Jones transfers from Alameda County to Santa Clara County. She still has $50 remaining in her EBT cash account from Alameda County. She is approved for cash aid in Santa Clara County and is issued another EBT card for her EBT account in Santa Clara County. The client would then have one card from each county. The card issued in Alameda County would not work for benefits issued in Santa Clara County and vice versa. Thus, once Mrs. Jones withdraws or spends the $50 on her Alameda EBT card, that card will no longer be operational. 


EBT Technologys

EBT Card Verification Value (CVV) Technology

Effective June of 2022, the EBT Card Verification Value (CVV) Technology was enabled for EBT cards through a partnership between OTSI, the EBT Processor FIS, and CDSS. 

CVV functionality provides new theft protection for EBT cardholders by reducing the risk of scamming. This technology is an additional layer of coding embedded in the magnetic stripe on the back of the EBT card and not visible to clients. Unlike the CVV number on most credit cards or debit cards, the EBT CVV number is not printed on the EBT card itself. The CVV number is unseen by EBT cardholders.

EBT Chip Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) Tap Technology

Effective (TBD) of 2024 the EBT Chip Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) Tap Technology will be added to the EBT cards. The EBT Chip EMV Tap-enabled cards technology upgrade project was completed in a partnership between OTSI, the EBT Processor FIS, and CDSS. 

This added technology will help reduce electronic theft. 

EBT Card Security Features

Personal cardholder information such as the cardholder's name, card number, and State Unique Identifier are located on the back of the card. In addition, the EBT card security features include:

  • Magnetic stripe with hidden CVV.
  • Chip EMV for insert payments.
  • Tap for contactless payments.
  • Three-digit Card Security Code to secure online transactions.
  • Expiration date. 

EBT Card Replacement and PIN Changes

Replacing an EBT Card

The cardholder may replace their EBT card by:

  • Accessing the ebtEDGE Mobile Application and the Web-enabled Cardholder Portal to manage their EBT card, or
  • Calling the toll-free customer service center at (877) 328-9677 and speak to a customer service representative, or
  • Contacting the county to request a replacement of their EBT card by mail or hold for pick up at any District Office, or
  • Using the Santa Clara County Contact Center and requesting a replacement via the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System.


If the EBT card is replaced through the customer services center, the request cannot be completed through the Automated Response Unit (ARU). The cardholder MUST speak to a customer service representative and provide the following pieces of identifying information for the Primary Cardholder:

  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Date of Birth (DOB), and/or
  • Address


Note: If the Designated Alternative Cardholder (DAC)/Authorized Representative (AR) wants to replace a card, the DAC/AR MUST provide an SSN or they will be able to receive services through the Automated Response Unit (ARU) and the Primary Cardholder will need to have the EBT card replaced.


An EBT card can be replaced in a district office at any time. If the EBT card is replaced after the benefits have been produced in the CalSAWS nightly batch, the card must be deactivated and a new card issued. When this occurs, the client MUST be advised to destroy the card that arrives in the mail.

Example 3 Example 3 Mr. Estrada applied for aid on 01/06. The EW authorized the case on 01/09 through the nightly batch process. On 01/13, Mr. Estrada calls his EW and reports he has not received his card yet and has run out of food. The EW must deactivate the EBT card that was generated through the batch process, and instruct Mr. Estrada to come into the office and complete an SCD 2202 to pick an EBT card. The EW must inform Mr. Estrada to destroy the EBT card that arrives in the mail. 

EBT Card Is Lost, Stolen, or Damaged

EBT cards can be replaced at the request of the head of the household, DAC, or AR. The County must provide a replacement EBT card to the cardholder including DAC and AR within three (3) business days following a cardholder’s request for a replacement card.


Important: Once the Social Services Agency has been notified that an EBT card has been lost or stolen, the county is RESPONSIBLE for any loss of benefits until the card is deactivated.


The following steps must be taken when a client reports that their EBT card is lost, stolen, or damaged:

  1. The Client informs the EW that his/her EBT card is lost, stolen, or damaged.
  2. The Assigned EW:
    1. Immediately deactivates the old card (see the CalSAWS Help).
    2. Asks the client if he/she would like the EBT card mailed or picked up in the office.

If the client wants...

Then the EW must...

The card mailed,

  • Select the appropriate values from the drop-down menus on the EBT Card Detail page to have a replacement card issued through Batch. See the Help for the procedure to issue a replacement card through the mail.
  • Inform the client that in the future they may call EBT Customer Service at (877) 328-9677 to report a lost, stolen, or damaged card and to request a new card.

To pick up the card,

  • Advise the client to come in to the office to pick up the card.
  • Inform the client that in the future they may call EBT Customer Service at (877) 328-9677 to report a lost, stolen, or damaged card and to request a new card.
  1. The District Office Fiscal Clerk (DOFC), when the client comes into the office:
    1. Reviews the EBT Card Detail page to ensure the lost/stolen card was deactivated.
    2. Has the client complete and sign the SCD 2202.
    3. Processes the request via CalSAWS to issue a replacement card online. For system entries, refer to CB 2023-20: How to Reissue an EBT Card  or CB 2023-48: How to Issue EBT Card for Authorize Rep (A/R).
    4. Has the completed SCD 2202 scanned into Imaging.

EBT Card and/or PIN is Returned

FIS issues EBT cards and Personal Identification Number (PIN) with the FIS return address on the envelope, not the SSA's address. When EBT cards and/or PINs that are “not deliverable” are returned, they are sent to FIS. There may be instances in which a client or someone else (, the client’s roommate, relative, etc.) returns an EBT card and/or PIN to SSA. When an EBT card and/or PIN is returned to SSA, the card and/or PIN MUST be IMMEDIATELY hand-carried to the DOFC.

The following process MUST be followed whenever an EBT card and/or PIN is returned to a district office:

  1. The Mail Room or other SSA Staff:
    1. Receives a returned EBT card and/or PIN.
    2. Takes the EBT card and/or PIN immediately to the DOFC.
  2. The DOFC:
    1. Receives the card and/or PIN.
    2. Shreds the PIN immediately.
    3. Completes the “Status Card” section of the “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) On-Line Request” (SCD 2201).
    4. Deactivates the EBT card through the EBT Card Detail page.
    5. Enters the EBT card information and the date the card is destroyed on the SCD 2203 log form.
    6. Shreds the EBT card.
    7. Sends a copy of the SCD 2201 to the EW of record and has the original SCD 2201 scanned into the IDM system.
  3. The EW:
    1. Receives the SCD 2201 indicating the deactivated EBT card was returned.
    2. Documents on the Journal Detail page that the card was returned and destroyed.
    3. Sends an SCD 50 to the client informing them that their EBT card was returned.
    4. Sets an alert to follow up in 30 days.

If the client...

Then the EW must...

Responds to the letter,

Act appropriately on the information the client provides, and issue a new card, if applicable.

Does NOT respond to the letter,

Takes appropriate action based on applicable cash and/or CalFresh regulations.


Important: The DOFC MUST follow the process outlined above, to status (deactivate) a returned EBT card, even if the case for the returned EBT card belongs to another District Office. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE EBT CARDS AND/OR PINS TO BE TRANSFERRED BETWEEN DISTRICT OFFICES.

EBT Card is NOT Received

New and replacement EBT cards are generated through the Benefit Issuance subsystem in CalSAWS. The following process must be followed whenever the client reports an EBT card was not received:

  1. The Client contacts the EW and reports that their EBT card was not received.
  2. The EW reviews the case to determine if an EBT card was issued.

If the EBT Card...

And the Client wants...

Then the EW must...

NOT previously issued,

The card to be mailed,

NOT previously issued,

To pick up the card in the office,

  • Correct any errors that may have prevented the card issuance.
  • Process the request to process the EBT card request.
  • Advise the client to come to the office to pick up a new card.
  • For system entries, refer to CB 2023-20: How to Reissue an EBT Card  or CB 2023-48: How to Issue EBT Card for Authorize Rep (A/R)
  • Complete the “EBT On-Line Request Form” (SCD 2201) requesting “Print EBT Card.”
  • Submit the SCD 2201 to the District Office Fiscal Clerk.
  • Documents on the Journal Detail page

Previously issued,

A new card to be mailed,

Note: Once SSA has been notified that an EBT card has been lost or stolen, the County is RESPONSIBLE for any loss of benefits until the card is deactivated.

Previously issued,

To pick up a new card in the office,

Note: Once SSA has been notified that an EBT card has been lost or stolen, the County is RESPONSIBLE for any loss of benefits until the card is deactivated.

  1. The DOFC, when the client comes into the office:
    1. Has the client complete and sign the SCD 2202.
    2. Processes the request via CalSAWS to issue a replacement card online. For system entries, refer to CB 2023-20: How to Reissue an EBT Card  or CB 2023-48: How to Issue EBT Card for Authorize Rep (A/R)
    3. Signs the completed SCD 2202 after the client has completed and signed it and has it scanned into Imaging.

Issuing an EBT Card in the Office When Issuing Payments via CalSAWS “Batch” System

When approving a case that does not qualify for Expedited Services (ES) or an Immediate Need (IN) payment the EBT System will set up an account for the client and issue an EBT card. The benefits are posted into the client’s account the next day; however, the process for issuing an EBT card via mail takes approximately five to seven business days. To avoid a hardship on the client and a delay of benefits, EWs are encouraged to issue the client an EBT card in the office via CalSAWS. Issuing the client a card in the office enables the client to access his/her benefits the next day. Producing an EBT card in the office can be accomplished WITHOUT issuing ES and/or an IN payment. To issue an EBT card in the office WITHOUT issuing ES and/or an IN payment the following procedures must be used:

  1. The EW:
    1. For system entries, refer to CB 2023-20: How to Reissue an EBT Card  or CB 2023-48: How to Issue EBT Card for Authorize Rep (A/R)
    2. Completes the “EBT On-Line Request” (SCD 2201), ensuring to check the following boxes:
    3. “PRINT EBT CARD,” (Section 1)
    5. Selects/Changes PIN.
    6. Attaches a screen print of the EBT Card Detail page.
    7. Signs the SCD 2201 and obtains signature from the EWS.
    8. Submits the SCD 2201 with a screen shot of the EBT Card Detail page to the designated clerk.
  2. The DOFC:
    1. Receives the SCD 2201.
    2. Prints the EBT card for the client.
    3. Ensures the client signs the SCD 2201.
    4. Signs the SCD 2201.
    5. Assists the client in selecting a PIN (PINs cannot begin with the number zero (0)).
    6. Has the SCD 2201 scanned into Imaging.

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Each client has his/her own PIN to access benefits. Clients MUST be advised not to write their PIN on the EBT card, and not to share the PIN with anybody. Clients have FULL responsibility for their card and PIN. Benefits CANNOT be replaced, even if the benefits are accessed without the client’s permission and/or misused. EBT cards are mailed to clients, and their PIN is mailed separately a few days later, unless the client qualifies for an immediate need and/or expedited services. The EBT card is issued in the office when the client qualifies for IN/ES.

Note: A PIN cannot begin with the number zero (0).

Changing a PIN

Although the majority of the PINs are assigned automatically, each cardholder is able to select his/her own PIN. If the client chooses to change his/her PIN for whatever reason, the client may replace their EBT card by:


Important: If clerical staff is assisting a client in changing his/her PIN, the client MUST present his/her EBT card AND a picture ID. Per fiscal policy, a picture ID MUST be viewed to ensure it is actually the client changing the PIN. If a picture ID is not available, the client MUST be identified by the EW. If the client is changing the PIN through the ARU, the client must enter his/her SSN and DOB. Any individual that does not possess an SSN (i.e., undocumented immigrants) CANNOT receive this service through the Automated Response Unit. 


When a PIN is changed, the cardholder continues using his/her current EBT card; a new card will not be provided unless specifically requested.

The following procedure must be followed when a client requests a PIN change through the Social Services Agency:

  1. The Client notifies the EW that they would like to change their PIN.
  2. The EW:
    1. Accessing the ebtEDGE Mobile Application and the Web-enabled Cardholder Portal to manage their EBT card, or
    2. Calling the toll-free customer service center to select another PIN through the ARU at (877) 328-9677 may be faster. 
    3. Explains to the client that they may come to the District Office to change the PIN without an appointment.
  3. The Client comes into the District Office to change the PIN.
  4. The Clerical Staff provides the client with a “Client Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Request” (SCD 2202).
  5. The Client completes the SCD 2202 and returns it to the clerical staff.
  6. The Clerical Staff:
    1. Asks to view the client’s EBT card AND a picture ID.
      1. Per fiscal policy, a picture ID MUST be viewed to ensure it is actually the client changing the PIN.
      2. If a picture ID is not available, the client MUST be identified by the EW.
    2. Assists the client to change the PIN via the Career Ability and Placement Survey (CAPS) Terminal (PIN Selector Device).
    3. Ensures that the client signs the SCD 2202.
    4. Has the SCD 2202 scanned into Imaging.

PIN Lock/Unlock Procedures

After four (4) consecutive invalid PIN entries by the cardholder, the system will “lock” the PIN, which deactivates it until midnight that same day. When this occurs, the client will not have access to his/her benefits by using his/her card; however, DAC/AR could still access the account. FIS CANNOT unlock a PIN; however, the PIN is automatically unlocked after midnight. Designated clerical staff have been given the capability to unlock a PIN, but the client must call during regular business hours, or he/she must wait until after midnight to access his/her benefits.

If a client forgets his/her PIN, FIS can change the PIN at any time, even if the client’s PIN has been locked. However, once the client’s PIN has been locked, even though the PIN has been changed, the client can ONLY access benefits:

  • After midnight when the system automatically unlocks the account, or
  • When he/she can request the SSA to unlock the PIN, which would be during SSA’s regular business hours.

The following procedure must be followed whenever a client calls the EW to unlock his/her PIN during business hours:

  1. The Client notifies the EW that their PIN has been locked.
  2. The EW:
    1. Informs the client that if they have forgotten their PIN, the PIN must be changed before reactivating it. Refer to Changing a PIN.
    2. Verifies that it is the client by asking for identifying information.
    3. Explains to the client that the card will be available for usage within two hours.
    4. Completes “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) On-Line Request” (SCD 2201) indicating “Unlock PIN.”
    5. Submits the SCD 2201 to clerical staff.
  3. The Clerical Staff:
    1. Receives the SCD 2201.
    2. Completes “Unlock PIN” request via the CAPS Terminal.
    3. Has the SCD 2201 scanned into Imaging.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card and PIN Responsibility Statement (CSF 67)

Under the EBT system, clients have a responsibility regarding their EBT card and PIN.

Adding EBT Cardholder(s)

The EW MUST complete and review the “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card and PIN Responsibility Statement” (CSF 67) with any new cardholder being added to a case.

Intake Informing

The EW MUST inform the client of their responsibilities regarding their EBT card and PIN by reviewing the CF 285 or SAWS 2 PLUS applications with the client during their intake interview. It is extremely important that the EW stresses to the client NOT to share his/her PIN with anybody and that benefits CANNOT be replaced, even if they are accessed without the client’s permission and/or are misused. Refer to Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card and Personal Identification Number (PIN) Responsibility Statement (CSF 67) for instructions about how to complete the form.