Exemption from Cash EBT

CalFresh benefits are required to be issued via EBT and SCC has opted to deliver cash benefits via EBT as well, with the exception of FC, AAP, and miscellaneous CalWORKs payments (, Homeless Assistance, Cal-Learn, Diversion, etc.). Because EBT for cash is not mandatory, state law requires that the EBT system be designed to provide alternate methods of issuance (i.e., paper warrants) to those clients who demonstrate their inability to successfully use EBT. An exemption from EBT is always a LAST RESORT, and should be discouraged whenever possible by finding an alternative that works for the client. A DAC may be a useful alternative for those clients claiming that they are unable to use the EBT system. In addition, Direct Deposit MUST be explored with the client as an alternative.

A client may be exempt from receiving his/her cash benefits via EBT if the client:

  • Has a disability that prevents him/her from using an EBT card (doctor’s verification is required), or
  • Speaks a language that is not available in the EBT system, and has no one to assist him/her (languages available are English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Russian, Hmong, Armenian, Laotian, Mandarin and Farsi), or
  • Has an other valid reason to be determined exempt by the EW. SSPM approval is required for this exemption.

Exemption Due to a Disability

If there is already existing documentation in the case that the client is disabled, the verification on file can only be used to prove the client’s disability if it supports the client’s claim that their condition makes the use of EBT impossible.

ExampleExample  The client’s disabling condition exempts him/her from Welfare-to-Work activities due to a broken arm. A broken arm in itself does NOT render an individual unable to use an ATM or POS device.

New applicants are to be given 60 days from the date of application or the date of the claim of the disability to provide the verification. During the 60-day period, if no other alternative is available (i.e., Direct Deposit, Designated Alternate Cardholder), the applicant may receive a warrant.

Note: The client may file an appeal through Fair Hearings regarding the decision made by the County on the EBT cash exemption.

Client Request for EBT Cash Exemption

When a client requests an exemption from cash EBT, the following must occur:

  1. The Client contacts the EW and requests an exemption from cash EBT.
  2. The EW:
    1. Documents the request in the Journal Detail page.
    2. Explores the possibility of a DAC and/or Direct Deposit.
    3. Explains that CalFresh MUST be received via EBT, if applicable.
    4. Explains the exemption criteria to the client, and explains verification is required for a disability exemption.
    5. Provides the client with a “Request for Cash Aid Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Exemption” (CSF 66).
      1. Note: If the CSF 66 is mailed, insert a pre-paid envelope.
  3. The Client:
    1. Completes the CSF 66.
    2. Attaches any pertinent verification to substantiate the request.
    3. Returns the CSF 66 to the EW.
  4. The EW:
    1. Receives and evaluates the CSF 66.
    2. Determines if the client qualifies for the cash EBT exemption.
    3. Checks the approval or denial box on the CSF 66.
    4. Submits the CSF 66 with the case folder for the Supervisor’s signature.
  5. The EWS/SSPM:
    1. Reviews the request and EW’s recommendation.
    2. Discusses any concerns with the EW and makes a final determination.
    3. Signs the CSF 66 and returns it along with the case folder to the EW.
  6. The EW follows these guidelines:

If the request is...

Then the EW...


  • Selects the appropriate exemption type, status and reason from the drop down menu in the Capture EBT Exemption window.
    • Note: CalSAWS will generate a NOA (CSN 02) approving the EBT cash exemption.


  • Selects the appropriate exemption type, status and reason from the drop down menu in the Capture EBT Exemption window.
    • Note: CalSAWS will generate a Notice of Action (CSN 01) denying the EBT cash exemption.

Reminder: If the client is unable to provide verification of his/her disability, and the EW and EWS determine there is a disability and no alternative to EBT, the EW may approve the EBT exemption for 60 days. An alert must be set up to follow-up on the disability verification. Refer to Exemption Due to a Disability.

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