Civil Rights Compliance/Complaints

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, is a federal law prohibiting discrimination based on disability in federally assisted programs or activities. This law protects the rights of individuals with disabilities to participate in and have access to program benefits and services. Additionally, the law requires agencies that serve the public, such as SSA, have a Civil Rights Compliance Plan.

Compliance Reviews

Counties are required to participate in scheduled civil rights compliance reviews as outlined by federal regulations (7 CFR 275.5(b)) and state regulations (CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures, Division 21). The CDSS Civil Rights Section performs audits of county welfare department facilities and CDSS-funded programs. State auditors evaluate public-facing staff and program managers, check the physical accessibility of sites, review case files for language access and reasonable accommodation compliance, and inspect discrimination complaint logs and case files.

General Client Complaints

General client complaints related to business processes or program policy are directed to an Eligibility Worker Supervisor and/or SSPM who coordinates with the DEBS Program & Policy Bureau, as needed, to address the complaint. For general community-related complaints/inquiries, refer to the Information Supervisor topic for additional information. If the complaint is regarding benefits-related issues, refer to the State Hearing Filing Procedures topic.

If the complaint is related to Civil Rights and/or Special Accommodations, refer to the sections below on State and Federal Complaints and Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator procedures.

State and Federal Complaint Procedures

Clients may also file a discrimination or an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complaint at a district office. The SSA staff taking the complaint must record the client’s information and forward the information to the County’s Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator, as appropriate. In addition to these methods for filing a complaint, the client may also contact CDSS to file a discrimination complaint involving the following programs with the relevant agencies:


Program Name

Address Phone Email

California Department of Social Services
Civil Rights Unit
P.O. Box 944243, M/S 9-7-041
Sacramento, CA 94244-2430


(916) 654-2107
(866) 741-6241

Department of Health Care Services
Office of Civil Rights
P.O. Box 997413, Mail Station 0009
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413


(916) 440-7370

United States Department of Agriculture
Director, Center for Civil Rights Enforcement
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington D.C., 20250-9410


(866) 632-9992,

(202) 260-1026, or

(202) 690-0443 (voice and TDD) 
All Other Federally-Funded Programs

United States Department Health and Human Services
Centralized Case Management Operation
200 Independence Ave., S.W.      Room 509F HHH Building
Washington D.C., 20201


(800) 368-1019


Information on the above contact information is available on the district office lobby posters: Need Help, and, Everyone is Different But Equal Under the Law (Pub 86). SSA staff are to direct the client to the above contact phone numbers when the client expresses a request to file a complaint.

Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator

The SSA Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator’s role is to oversee ADA compliance and provide resolutions to grievances, assist in handling individuals’ cases, and address systemic problems. The coordinator has the authority to make decisions on grievances. All complaints of discrimination are investigated. Complaints can be filed orally or in writing in a County office or directly with the Civil Rights Coordinator. Oral complaints are to be documented in writing. Regardless of their origin, all discrimination complaints are referred to the Civil Rights/ADA Coordinator who evaluates them for a link to a civil rights protection. Complaints that are linked to civil rights protections are investigated according to Division 21 and 7 CFR § 15c.7 (d) guidelines. If no link, they are referred back to the department for resolution.


Note: If the accommodation is denied, the worker is to notify the Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator of the denial and inform the client to contact the Civil Rights/ADA Coordinator if they disagree with the denial.


The SSA Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator is based in the Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights Office and is reachable at (408) 755-7999, or by emailing the general inbox at To file a complaint of discrimination, clients are to contact the Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator. To submit a written complaint, the SSA Client Complaint Form is available on the SSA Equal Opportunity Civil Rights SharePoint. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator will follow up with the client. This follow-up may include scheduling a face-to-face appointment with the client and/or scheduling an office visit to decide whether an investigation is necessary. If appropriate, a findings report is submitted to CDSS, and a copy is provided to the client. 


Note: Please do not document the complaint in the CalSAWS Case Journal, nor send this form to the CalSAWS Imaging system. Due to the confidential and anonymous nature of these discriminatory complaints that may be brought up against a staff member, this information should not be visible as the case moves to other staff.


The complainant receives a Letter of Findings after the investigation has concluded. The letter summarizes the allegation and the evidence concerning the allegations that led to the determination.


Reminder: The SSA Civil Rights/ ADA Coordinator's contact information is also included within the Need Help poster. The poster must be available in all office lobbies in areas frequented by the public.

Disability/Special Accommodation Review Form

A review form titled Need Extra Help (SCD 2371) for special accommodations is to be used by DEBS staff to obtain information about any additional help requested by the client due to a disability (physical, mental/emotional, or learning), or other type of accommodation. The form functions as a triage form, soliciting responses to various questions. It should be made clear to clients that whether or not they disclose a disability is voluntary and they can always choose to disclose a disability or request for a special accommodation, at a later time. If a client discloses a disability during any first contact with any employee, the employee must immediately share the information with the appropriate staff, who can then take steps to explore a special accommodation. The SCD 2371 is available on the DEBS Forms Library in SSA threshold languages.

Reminder: Staff must not require clients to use or sign the form in order to request an accommodation.