Document Translation Requests by DEBS Staff

The below topic covers information related to requesting translations for documents received from clients, the forms translation procedure, large print font and braille requests. 

Requests for Client Document Translations

For any documents that are submitted by clients to DEBS staff and need to be translated, please follow the process outlined below:

Who Action
DEBS Staff Member
  • Receives a document from a client that needs translation into English and is unable to translate the document themselves.
  • Informs their supervisor that they are requesting assistance with a client document translation request, and asks a language-coded staff in their unit for assistance with translation, and provides a reasonable timeline for completion.
  • If there are no certified language-coded staff available in their unit to translate the document, consults with their supervisor and/or SSPM.
  • Documents the translation request in the CalSAWS Journal. Refer to the section Interpreter Services Documentation in the Interpreter Services topic for more details.


Supervisor/ SSPM
  • Reviews their office's DEBS district office staff roster and contacts the supervisor of an internal office certified language-coded staff to translate the document.
  • Both supervisors must agree with the staff selected and provide a reasonable timeline for completion. If they do not agree, consults with their SSPM.
  • Supervisor of the language-coded staff informs that staff member of the translation request and due date. 
  • Documents the translation request in the CalSAWS Journal


  • If needed, the supervisor consults with their office's SSPM and reviews the other DEBS district office rosters for an appropriate certified language-coded staff to assist with the translation of the document and submits request to that office's SSPM.
  • If there are no certified language-coded staff members available to translate the document, consults with the DEBS Program Language Access Coordinator by emailing


DEBS Program Language Access Coordinator
  • Due to the high costs associated with vendor document translations, Program will determine if this request may go through the language vendor. 
  • If approved, informs the Supervisor/ SSPM to have the document submitted to the language vendor via their district office TransPerfect TransPort point-of-contact (POC) for the language translation portal. 
  • If denied, Program will provide another available option for translation requests.


District Office TransPerfect TransPort POC
  • Submits document for translation along with the due date in TransPerfect TransPort using their office account credentials at
    • The preferred format to send documents to TransPerfect is in MS Word, if at all possible. Documents sent in other formats, (i.e., .pdf, .jpg, .png, etc.) may encounter additional reformatting fees by the vendor. (Be mindful of document formatting as it may lose language integrity when converted into a different type of file.)
    • TransPerfect processes up to 2,000 words per day for a regular routine request and the suggested turnaround time is up to two business days. Rush/ urgent requests have a higher cost associated with them and urgency must be verified with the staff member requesting translation prior to submitting request.
  • Requests quote via portal from the TransPerfect Representative by using the checkbox for lengthier documents. 
  • Monitors email account and/or TransPerfect TransPort for any updates in translation of the document.
  • Retrieves completed document and forwards to the original staff member who requested translation.


Note: For additional information on the portal, please refer to the TransPerfect TransPort Document Submission Guide on the Program Reference Materials page.


DEBS Staff Member
  • Receives translated document from the district office POC and continues processing casework.
  • Documents the completed translation request in the CalSAWS Journal.   



For any additional questions on document translation requests, please contact the DEBS Program Language Access Coordinator at

Form Translation Requests

Each district office follows its own internal process for requests for form translations. All translation requests must come from the SSPM or their designated person to the translation committee. Program-related translation requests must be sent by the SSPM or their designee to the appropriate Program SSA Business Policy Implementation Specialist (BPIS) who, after review, will send it to the appropriate committee/person. Typically, the process for any new/revised forms, flyers, and/or other documents is generated and completed by DEBS Program staff and sent out to the translation committees.

All documents needing translation must be referred to the appropriate translation committee, using the Translation Request (SCD 970), as follows:

Language Contact
Spanish Spanish Translation Committee 

Vietnamese Translation Committee 


Note: For translation of other languages not listed above, use the County’s contracted translation services: TransPerfect, Hanna Interpreting Services, or Global Interpreting Network by emailing


If the document that needs translation is program-related, submit the translation request by emailing with the Program Bureau Request for Services (SCD 116) process.

Referral Procedures

All referrals for translation will use the following procedures. All requests must be submitted at least one week before the due date.

Who Action


  • Completes and emails a copy of the SCD 970 with the document to be translated to the appropriate chairperson.
  • Indicates whether the document is to be processed through word processing, or if the rough draft is to be returned to the person requesting the translation.


Chairperson of Translation Committee

  • Reviews the SCD 970 and translation.
  • Notifies the requestor of any potential problems and/or clarifies any issues.


Translation Committee

Translates the document. The Chairperson proceeds as follows:

  • If the documents are to be processed through word processing:
  • If the documents are to be returned to the requestor:
    • Returns the draft to the requester.
    • The requester notes any additional edits needed to the document and returns to the Chairperson.
    • The committee edits the document until the translation is finalized.


Chairperson of Translation Committee
  • Signs off and returns the SCD 970 with a final copy of the translation to the originator/requestor.
  • Files a copy of the document for the committee’s records.


Time Allowance

Routine Referrals

A routine referral gives the translation committee 30 days to complete. This allows the committee time to schedule the translation(s) into one of their regularly scheduled meetings and to complete any necessary word processing. 

Follow the SCD 970 Referral Procedures

Other Referrals

Other referrals are any translations that do not fit into the routine referral process of 30 days. This includes large projects, numerous documents, emergency stuffers, etc.

Other referrals are made by emailing the appropriate translations committee, or the DEBS Program Bureau Language Access Coordinator at A due date will be negotiated at that time. The DEBS Program Bureau will coordinate all translations that the Spanish or Vietnamese Translation Committees cannot translate. 

Big Projects

A big project is defined as one that requires several translations to be done at once to accommodate a major program change or other changes the agency may be undergoing.

Example Example If in August it is known that in October 12 forms/documents need to be translated, let the chairperson(s) know as much in advance as possible about the upcoming need. This way the committee can then plan their meeting times accordingly. This is imperative even if the English versions are not yet available. 

Translated Forms, Large Print Font, Braille 

Any information needed regarding the availability of translated forms, large print font, and braille, as available, can be obtained by contacting the DEBS Program Language Access Coordinator at  As needed, Publishing Services may communicate any additional information with the DEBS Program Language Access Coordinator or the DEBS Program Form’s Desk at (408) 755-7540.

Requests through Publishing Services

Publishing Services will require a soft copy of the form/notice, along with the Archibus request to process, a completed Request for Reproduction (SCS 153) to reproduce the correspondence, and a Request for Mailing Insert (SCS 299) to mail the correspondence to the client. (Please note that this process may be subject to change.)

Publishing Services may be contacted at or (408) 758-4551. For additional information, please visit the Publishing Services webpage

DEBS Forms Library

The DEBS Forms Library contains some commonly used forms and notices available in a large print format. Large print forms and notices that are available in the DEBS Forms Library may be searched by using the search term, "large print," or "LP."  These forms/ NOAs can be completed, imaged into the case record, and sent to the client.


Reminder: Any NOAs generated outside of CalSAWS must be scanned into the CalSAWS Imaging system for quality compliance purposes.