Interpreter and Translations Services

County policy on the translation of forms and interpreter services is based on state and federal law. SSA contracts with various companies to provide interpreter services in most languages. Through the Interpreter Services and bilingual staff, SSA provides interpreter services to all clients in their language of preference.

Interpreters provided by contract agencies have been language-certified and advised of the regulations regarding client confidentiality. Workers may request interpreter services after it has been determined that the case cannot be assigned to existing certified bilingual staff with the required language skills.

Language Requirement

Civil Rights regulations mandate that counties provide the Notice of Language Services (GEN 1365) to the client and document specific information regarding the client’s preferred language in CalSAWS. 

When the client prefers his or her own interpreter, the Interpreter Services Statement and Confidentiality Agreement (CR 6181) must be completed and Imaged into CalSAWS.

When the forms are available in the client’s preferred language, the worker must document whether the client accepts or refuses the forms available in their preferred language.

Related Topics

Interpreter Services

Translation Requests by DEBS Staff