Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)

CyraCom Connect, Global Interpreting Network, and Hanna Interpretation Services are available to Social Services employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide VRI services. 

Staff are encouraged to use these services for clients requiring American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and when a three-way telephone line is not available or practical.

Detailed step-by-step instruction guides on accessing and pre-scheduling VRI services may be found on the DEBS Program & Policy Bureau > Resources > CP-DCBP Reference Materials > Language Access page. 

Procedures for Accessing CyraCom Connect VRI

Pre-Scheduling VRI Interpretation Requests

Follow the procedure below to Pre-Schedule a CyraCom Connect VRI:

Who Action
Staff Member
  • Using Microsoft Edge, click on the following link to fill out the request form:   
  • You will need to enter the following information on the request form:
    • Requester first and last name,
    • Work email address, 
    • CyraCom Connect Account Number: 501032841
    • CyraCom Connect PIN: 5524-DEBS
    • Requested language, 
    • Meeting link or meeting ID and password (i.e., Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.),
    • Pre-scheduled interpretation date and time, 
    • Estimated duration of appointment, and 
    • Scheduler contact information.
  • Be sure to check the box: “I understand the above and confirm my video conference has been set up, and I am requesting an interpreter at the above specified time.”
  • Click [Submit] once the form is completed.

Note: ASL sessions cannot exceed one hour and may require a second interpreter due to physical demand. Spoken language may be at most three hours, and sessions exceeding that limit will need to be split into multiple appointments.

CyraCom Client Service Representative (CSR)
  • Once an interpreter has been requested for the meeting, a CyraCom CSR will contact you by email to confirm. 
Staff Member and CSR
  • No further action is required after confirmation; your interpreter will join the session at the time requested.

Refer to the DEBS Program & Policy Bureau > Resources > CP-DCBP Reference Materials > Language Access page for the Pre-Schedule CyraCom Connect VRI User Guide.

On-Demand VRI Interpretation Requests

Follow the procedure below to connect to CyraCom Connect VRI for on-demand,  same-day requests:

Who Action
Staff Member

Note: For first time users, you will see a pop-up window that wants to use your microphone and camera, click [Allow]. A shutdown may be needed for a reboot to troubleshoot any issues that may occur while connecting.

  • Log in using the following CyraCom credentials:
  • Select or Search for Translation Language and click on the video camera icon.
  • The Session Window will populate. Under PIN, select Main PIN from the drop-down menu. Enter your Employee Identification Number. 

  • When all the information has been entered correctly, the video camera icon will turn blue. Click the video icon to schedule an Interpreter.
Staff Member and Interpreter
  • Wait in the room for the interpreter to join your virtual meeting. When the session has ended, end call.

Refer to DEBS Program & Policy Bureau > Resources > CP-DCBP Reference Materials > Language Access page for a detailed CyraCom Connect VRI User Guide and the VRI Language List.

Procedures for Accessing Global Interpreting Network VRI

On-Demand VRI Interpretation Requests

Follow the procedure below to connect to Global Interpreting Network VRI for on-demand,  same-day requests:

Who Action
Staff Member
  • On a desktop or laptop computer, go to, allow the pop-up window, and sign into the SSA DEBS account using the following case-sensitive credentials:
    • Email:
    • Password: Debs786357!
  • To get an interpreter, open the call by clicking on the phone icon located on the top right-hand corner of the screen, then select the language needed by clicking on the Language To drop-down.
  • Select Social Services for the type of interpreter required. (If you need a specific gender for a call, click on the three dots and select male/ female/ or no preference.)
    • To place an audio call, click on the speaker icon, and then click on the [Call] button to reach an interpreter, or
      To place a video call, click on the video camera icon, and then click on the [Call] button to reach an interpreter.
Staff Member and Interpreter
  • Wait for your interpreter to join the video session. 

Note: Third-party dial-outs are available in the platform and are done by the interpreter. If you need to place a call to your client, simply ask the interpreter for assistance.

  • If you cannot hear the interpreter or the interpreter cannot hear you, enter the chat room by clicking on the chat bubble. 

  • To disconnect, click on the [End Call] button. After confirming the request, the system will ask you to rate the interpreter’s performance and the call quality.

Refer to DEBS Program & Policy Bureau > Resources > CP-DCBP Reference Materials > Language Access page for a detailed Global Interpreting Network VRI User Guide and the VRI Language List.


Procedures for Accessing Hanna Interpretation Services VRI

Follow the procedure below to connect to the Hanna Interpretation Services VRI for on-demand, same-day requests:

Who Action
Staff Member
  • On a desktop or laptop computer, go to and enter the SSA DEBS Access Code: 5738.
  • Enter the required information as follows: 
    • Name of Requestor (your name),
    • Call Back Number, 
    • Name of Consumer/Consumer (please enter “SSA DEBS”), and 
    • PIN: 5738. 
  • Press the [Submit] button.
  • Click [Allow] on the pop-up window to allow microphone and camera access. You may be asked to click [Allow] again once your video call has been initiated.
  • Select the language you request for VRI. The language display panel will show you an estimated wait time for each language. 

Note: If there are no interpreters available, you will see the message, “No experts online” and will need to try your VRI later or use another SSA DEBS interpreter service vendor.

Staff Member and Interpreter
  • Wait for your interpreter to join the video session. Once the session has ended, end the call.