Learning Disability (LD) Screenings Process Definitions

The following sections contain a brief description of definitions used in the LD Screening process:

Learning Disability

LD is a generic term that refers to a diverse “group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities.” Individuals with LDs usually have average or above average intelligence levels, but have a problem processing information. LDs interfere with a client’s ability to obtain or retain employment, maintain self-sufficiency or enter and participate in the CWES program.


Screening is the first step in identifying individuals with suspected LDs. Screening involves the use of a recognized and validated LD screening tool that is administered by staff who have been properly trained on how to administer it. Clients who receive a score of 12 or more on the screening tool is an indicator that client may have a LD.


An evaluation is the process to determine if an individual has LDs. The evaluation is performed by a trained professional who is qualified to conduct tests that identify LDs, as well as determine the appropriate accommodations a client may need.


For CWES purposes, a diagnosis is made by a trained licensed professional. This person is able to provide verification of a disability exemption if the LD is so severe that the client cannot participate in CWES activities. Refer to the Example in Learning Disability (LD) Screenings - Clients with Verified LDs.

Reasonable Accommodations

If the client has a documented LD diagnosis/certification, then reasonable accommodations such as modifications and adjustments are made to make it possible for the client with a disability to apply for or perform in a job or CWES activity. The county or any service provider contracted by the county must provide free of cost, accommodations specific to the individual’s need

Forms Used In LD Screening and Evaluation

The state has made available six forms to be used in the LDs screening process. These forms are:

  • “Waiver of CalWORKs Learning Disabilities Screening and/or Evaluation” (WTW 17)
  • “Learning Needs Screening (County Copy)” (WTW 18)
  • “Learning Needs Screening (Client Copy)” (WTW 19)
  • “Permission to Release Learning Disabilities Information” (WTW 20)
  • “Learning Needs Screening (Evaluación Preliminar de Necesidades Relacionadas al Aprendizaje)(County Copy - Spanish)” (WTW 48). This form is similar to the WTW 18.
  • “Learning Needs Screening (Evaluación Preliminar de Necesidades Relacionadas al Aprendizaje – Copia del Cliente.)(Client Copy - Spanish)” (WTW 49). This form is similar to the WTW 19.

“Waiver of CalWORKs Learning Disabilities Screening and/or Evaluation” (WTW 17)

The “Waiver of CalWORKs Learning Disabilities Screening and/or Evaluation” (WTW 17) must be read aloud by the Employment Counselor (EC) to the client whenever the client wishes to decline to be screened or evaluated for LDs. If the client still declines the screening or evaluation after the WTW 17 has been read and explained, the EC will have the client sign the form and give him/her a copy and file a copy in the case.

“Learning Needs Screening (County Copy)” (WTW 18)

The “Learning Needs Screening (County Copy)” (WTW 18) is the LD screening tool. The WTW 18 is to be completed by the EC. The EC must read the form aloud to the client and complete the questions. Form WTW 48 must be used for Spanish speaking clients.


“Learning Needs Screening (Client Copy)” (WTW 19)

The questions on the “Learning Needs Screening (Client Copy)” (WTW 19) are identical to the WTW 18 but are in a larger size print with additional white space. The WTW 19 must be provided to the client to read along during the LDs screening process. Form WTW 49 must be used for Spanish speaking clients.

“Permission to Release Learning Disabilities Information” (WTW 20)

The “Permission to Release Learning Disabilities Information” (WTW 20) must be signed by the client to grant permission before an EC can obtain or release a written LDs evaluation. The top portion of the WTW 20 allows the EC to obtain a copy of the evaluation or tests from the evaluator.

The middle section of the WTW 20 allows the EC to release LDs information or medical records to:

  • Professionals who are involved in the LDs evaluation
  • Local employment or job training agencies who may provide employment related or job training services and who need to know about the LD to determine the appropriate activities or accommodations for the client, and
  • Other agencies and/or states that need information on the individual’s LDs in order to provide appropriate services and accommodations to the client.

The WTW 20 cannot be altered by the EC once it has been signed by the client. The authorization form expires one year from the date it is signed. The EC must inform the client that he/she may void the authorization at any time.

Note: If the client refuses to complete and sign the WTW 20, a copy of any screening, evaluation, diagnosis, and/or accommodations information on the individual about possible LDs will NOT be sent to the new county if they move, and their WTW plan in the new county may not include accommodations for their LD(s).

Inter County Transfers (ICT)

A copy of the client’s LD screening and evaluation may be forwarded to the new county ONLY if the client has signed a WTW 20.

“Learning Needs Screening (County Copy - Spanish)” (WTW 48)

The “Learning Needs Screening (County Copy)” (WTW 48) is the LD screening tool for use with WTW participants whose primary language is Spanish. The WTW 48 is to be completed by an EC who is bilingual in English and Spanish, or administered with the assistance of a Spanish language interpreter. The EC must read the form aloud to the client and complete the questions. Form WTW 18 must be used for participants who primary language is English.


Learning Needs Screening (Client Copy - Spanish)” (WTW 49)

The questions on the “Learning Needs Screening (Client Copy) - Spanish” (WTW 49) are identical to the WTW 48 but are in a larger size print with additional white space. This form must be provided to participants whose primary language is Spanish, to enable the client to read along during the LDs screening process. Form WTW 19 must be used for participants whose primary language is English.

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Learning Disability (LD) Screenings Introduction

Learning Disability (LD) Screenings