Dress for Success San Jose

Dress for Success San Jose (DFS) is a non-profit organization that provides professional female attire to CWES participants. Services are by referral and appointment only at the organization’s location. Additionally, DFS San Jose has expanded their services as a pilot program to include on-site services at the CWES Central San Jose Employment Connection Center (ECC) through scheduled appointments and drop-in visits based on availability.

The EC is to inform clients about DFS’ available services during their WTW participation.

DFS locations are:

  • 504 Valley Way, Milpitas, CA  95035 (Sobrato office complex, Building #3)
  • 1879 Senter Road San Jose, CA 95112 (ECC, Door #10).

Clients should be made aware of the following items prior to sending the referral to DFS:

  • Each session is between 30–60 minutes.
  • No children or visitors are allowed.
  • A client who missed their scheduled appointment may reschedule up to three times by calling DFS at (408) 935-8299.
  • At the first suiting session, the client will receive an orientation and sign the required forms.
  • After services have been provided, the client will be asked to complete a satisfaction survey.
  • Due to the availability of sizes, colors, and styles, a complete professional outfit is not guaranteed.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Dress for Success services, the client must be an active WTW participant. 

Referral Process

The following steps describe the Dress for Success referral process for the Milpitas location:

 Steps  Who  Action
 1. Client Expresses interest or needs professional attire.
 2. Referring EC

Reviews the Client Information Sheet (SCD 2378) with the client.


Completes the Professional Attire Referral Form (SCD 2379) with the client.  The SCD 2379 is to be filled out electronically; A handwritten form will not be accepted.

Note: The Special Comments field is used to address issues such as tattoos to cover, preference for pants or skirts, artificial limbs, scars, etc.


Informs the client that the DFS representative will contact them to schedule an appointment at the DFS location in Milpitas and provide check-in instructions.


Creates a referral in the DEBS Referral Application.

  • Accesses the DEBS Referral Application through the web address: DEBS Refer (sccgov.org) or Social Services Agency's intranet under Applications > SSA Applications > DEBS > DEBS Referral icon. 
    • Clicks the [+ Add A Referral] button to create a new referral.
    • Enters the client’s information or case number and clicks the [Search] button.
    • Clicks the [Select] button on the client you are referring. The DEBS Referral Application will automatically populate most of the client’s information.
    • Verifies the CLIENT INFORMATION section is auto-populated correctly on the right-hand side (updates manually if needed).
      • Adds the client’s phone number.
    • Selects from the drop-down menus under the PROGRAM INFORMATION section:
      • Program = "WTW"
      • Referral Type = "Employment Services"
      • Provider Name = "Dress for Success". 
    • Note: The Received Consent and Date Required Follow Up fields, and the AGENCY INFORMATION section are also pre-populated.

    • Enters Referral Comments with any relevant information and indicates the DFS Milpitas location.
    • Uploads and attaches the completed Professional Attire Referral Form (SCD 2379) by clicking the [Select files…] button under the ATTACHMENT(S) section.
    • Verifies the External Referral radio button is selected. This will ensure a secured email will be sent.
    • Clicks the [Generate PDF] button. The Referral Slip with the information contained from the DEBS Referral Application will generate at the bottom of the screen.
      • Opens the Referral Slip PDF file to ensure it has the correct information.
    • Clicks the [Email Referral] button to generate an email template with the Referral Slip and SCD 2379 as attachments.
      • Previews the SCD 2379 attachment to ensure it has the correct information.
    • Clicks the [Send Email Now] button.
    • Clicks the [Continue] button.
    • Note:  For a sample, refer to the DEBS Referral Application User Guide or Program’s intranet under Resources > Reference Materials > Systems Reference Material > Referral Application> DEBS Referral App.


Forwards a copy of the Professional Attire Referral Form (SCD 2379) to Imaging.

Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.

 3. DFS  Representative Receives the referral from the referring EC.

Contacts the client, schedules an appointment for the DFS location in Milpitas and provides check-in instructions.

Provides services when the client arrives at their appointment.

Completes the “DFS USE ONLY – Referral Outcome” section at the bottom of the SCD 2379 and sends it to the referring EC to notify them of the referral outcome.
 4. Referring EC

Receives the Professional Attire Referral Form (SCD 2379) outcome from the DFS representative.

Updates the referral outcome in the DEBS Referral Application.

  • Accesses the DEBS Referral Application.
  • From the home page, either clicks the [Feedback] button next to the appropriate referral, or
  • Clicks “Feedback” from the left panel and:
    • Searches for the case number.
    • Clicks the [Feedback] button next to the appropriate referral.
  • Scrolls down to the OUTCOME section and selects one of the following:
 Referral Outcome field  Date Completed field
 Invalid Referral

 Enters the date of discovery if:

  • It is a worker error (e.g. wrong client, wrong vendor/provider selected, etc.), or
  • The client is ineligible due to they are not:

    • participating in WTW, or

    • receiving cash aid.

Note: Upon receipt of the completed SCD 2379 from DFS, use the date provided under the “DFS USE ONLY – Referral Outcome” section and:

 Completed Enters the “Completed” date the client received services as indicated.
 Unable to contact Enters the "Unable to contact" date indicated.
 Not Interested Enters the “Not interested” date the client declined services or withdrew as indicated.
 No Show Enters the "No Show" date indicated.


  • Enters Referral Outcome Comments with any relevant information.
  • Enters the referring EC’s name in the Actual Follow-Up User field. 
  • Clicks the [Save Follow-Up] button.

Note:  For a sample, refer to the DEBS Referral Application User Guide or Program’s intranet under Resources > Reference Materials > Systems Reference Material > Referral Application> DEBS Referral App.


Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.