Requests for Birth Certificates

The FC EW may request a copy of the birth certificate from a previous case.

If age documentation is not readily available for the child, the FC EW may obtain verification from the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office files. The FC EW will:

  1. Complete the “Clerical Check Sheet” (SCD 109).
  2. Set a CalSAWS alert for 90 days for follow-up of the receipt of birth certificate.
  3. Enter a CalSAWS journal that verification has been requested.
  4. Put the SCD 109 in the clerical basket for batching and forwarding to the Recorder’s office.
  5. Clerical staff will forward the SCD 109 to the appropriate state/county.

Documents Viewed But Copy Not Obtainable

If the child's birth certificate is viewed, but a copy is unobtainable as in a home visit, or the copy machine is broken, the pertinent information listed below must be recorded and then entered in a CalSAWS journal.

  • The issuing authority (state, county, church, etc.).
  • Name of child.
  • Name of father and mother.
  • Date of birth.
  • Place of birth.
  • Any identifying information including all identifying numbers.

Note: Every attempt must be made to pursue obtaining a copy for the record.

Other verifications viewed, but not copied must be thoroughly documented in the appropriate “County Use Only” sections.

Use Of Affidavit As Verification (SCD 101)

For certain types of verification, the use of an affidavit is acceptable. Justification for the use of the affidavit must be recorded in a CalSAWS journal entry.

Related Topics

Age Requirements