Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program

The URM Program provides culturally and linguistically appropriate child welfare, foster care, and independent living services to minors who do not have parents in the U.S., or who enter the U.S. unaccompanied by a parent, an immediate adult relative, or an adult having documentable evidence of custody of the minor. These minors enter the U.S. several different ways, but are designated into the URM Program by the Federal ORR and are eligible for the URM Program based on their status as a refugee listed below.

Unaccompanied refugees are minors who:

  • Meet the age requirements (under the age of 18). However, it must be noted that these youth may participate in the EFC Program as NMD through one of the contracted agencies.
  • Entered the United States unaccompanied by and not destined to:
    • A parent; or
    • A close non-parental adult relative who is WILLING AND ABLE to care for the child; or
    • An adult with a clear and court-verifiable claim to custody of the minor.
  • Has no parent(s) or other adult relative in the United States.

There are five type of unaccompanied minors eligible for the URM Program:

  1. Refugee Minors: These are refugee children who are identified overseas and enter the U.S. prior to their 18th birthday, without a parent or appropriate caregiver to provide for them.
  2. Asylee Minors: Minors who are granted as asylum in the U.S. and have no family to care for them. This includes minors granted asylum by an immigration judge, as well as minors granted asylum by USCIS.
  3. Amerasians and Cuban/Haitian Entrants: Minors who enter the U.S. as entrants or Amerasians (aliens fathered by U.S. citizens). The Cuban/Haitian minors are known as UEMs but follow the same placement requirements as URMs.
  4. Victims of Severe Form of Trafficking: Minors who are involved in severe form of trafficking which involves some form of forced labor or prostitution. This population may be granted a “T-Visa” with the ORR approval letter.
  5. Inaccurate Age Cases: Minors sometimes enter the U.S. with documents erroneously identified as adults. Through established procedures by ORR these minors are eligible for the URM program.

Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Status for URMs

Some children in the U.S. without legal immigration status may be in need of protection because they have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent. SIJ is an immigration classification that may allow these vulnerable children to immediately apply for LRP status. This population is awarded a U-Visa and are eligible for services under the URM Program.

Reclassification of Refugee Minor to URM

Refugee minors may be reclassified as URM by ORR for various reasons such as:

  • The refugee is detained by the county CWD or JPD. The SW/PO later determines the minor is a refugee. The SW/PO must refer the refugee minor to ORR to be reclassified as a URM.
  • The refugee is not sent directly to ORR when admitted to the U.S.

The URM reclassification process is completed by ORR.

Providers for URMs

California has two URM Program service providers who contract with the CDSS and the DHCS: CCSCC and Crittenton in Orange County. These agencies operate under the same policies and regulations as state (domestic) FC with additional expertise working with refugees. Although the URM Program is not state FC, CDSS & DHCS considers children and youth in the URM Program to be in a FC program, even when legal responsibility is established through guardianship and with a private agency.

Care and Custody of URMs

Unlike domestic foster care, ORR regulations do not require URMs to be placed in the care and custody of the state. ORR regulations require states to ensure legal responsibility, including legal custody. Legal custody is granted through legal guardianship which is established for each URM in accordance with applicable state law. Legal Guardianship differs from domestic foster care in that ORR must become the Legal Guardian for all URMs.

In California, legal responsibility for URMs is established with the two contracted providers. The providers may place URMs with licensed or certified foster parents, licensed group home or any the various domestic FC placements at the expense of the contracted agencies. Social Service Agency (SSA) is only required to provide full scope Medi-Cal coverage for URMs regardless of their immigration status.

Continued Eligibility for URMs

An unaccompanied minor continues to meet the criteria and is eligible for child welfare services through ORR and foster care payments under the authority of the ORR until the minor:

  • Is reunited with a parent; or
  • Is reunited with a non-parental adult, either relative or non-relative, willing and able to care for the child to whom legal custody and/or guardianship is granted, or
  • Although adoption is discouraged, if the URM is adopted, URM services must be terminated, or
  • No longer meets the age requirements.

Note: When anyone of the above situations occur, CCSCC will notify FCE to discontinue the Medi-Cal case. CEC and FFY Medi-Cal policies apply.

Placements for URMs

Placement of URMs in foster care follows the same regulations as domestic FC and shall be made in accordance with Foster Care regulations Division 30 of the MPP, and eligibility for Foster Care payments shall be made in accordance with MPP Division 45, Chapter 200.

In addition to the case planning requirements of Division 30, the ORR shall plan for the provision of the following services to unaccompanied minors:

  • Orientation, assessment, and counseling to facilitate the adjustment of the child to American culture; and
  • Preparation for participation in American society with special emphasis on English language instruction and occupational as well as cultural training as necessary to facilitate the child's social integration and to prepare the child for independent living and economic self-sufficiency.

After the initial placement of an URM, the procedures for interstate movement, MPP Section 30-366, that govern the movement of other foster care cases to other states also apply to the movement of URMs to other states (SCC is not responsible for this process).

Verification of Immigration Status and Forms

URMs receive FC benefits the same as domestic FC children and therefore are eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal coverage regardless of their immigration status. While attempting to validate their immigration status, full scope Medi-Cal under the presumed aid code must be authorized. URMs who are not in a satisfactory immigration for full-scope Medi-Cal must be granted full-scope Medi-Cal eligibility and tracked as a state-funded full-scope immigrant in MEDS. Their alien status may be reviewed in MEDS on the “Other Client Eligibility 
Information” INQE window.

The following verifications for immigration status provided by CCSCC will include:

  • “Letter of designation from the Refugee Program Bureau” (RPB) ORR, or
  • URM verification/approval letter from CDSS, and
  • A SSN, and
  • Note: the worker must not delay or deny services for otherwise eligible URM youth who fail to furnish their SSN. If the applicant has not been issued a SSN, normal rules for obtaining a SSN apply. The worker must update MEDS when the SSN is provided.

  • Immigration status information and/or an immigration document such as USCIS Form I 94 - Welcome to the U.S. Arrival/Departure Record.

Note: worker must not delay or deny services for otherwise eligible URM youth who fail to furnish their immigration status. The worker must update MEDS when immigration status information is provided.

Along with the above verifications CCSCC must provide the following DHCS forms:

  • “Application And Statement of Facts For Child Not Living With A Parent or Relative And For Whom A Public Agency Is Assuming Some Financial Responsibility” (MC 250) for youth under the age of 18 or youth participating in EFC or
  • “Application for Medi-Cal for Former Foster Care Youth” (MC 250A) for youth eligible for FFY MC.

Medi-Cal Aid Codes and MEDS

Current and former URMs must be approved in Medi-Cal aid codes 45 or 4M. URMs under the age of 18 years old must have their Medi-Cal benefits established using aid code 45. When the URM is 18 years old but under 21 and is participating in EFC, aid code 45 must remain in effect until the youth is no longer participating in EFC. Former URMs 18 years old but under 26 must have Medi-Cal benefits under aid code 4M when meeting the requirements for FFY MC. Refer to Eligibility for FFY Medi-Cal,” page 34-26].

Note: CCSCC will send an email to “FosterCareProcessing” box to indicate that the URM is participating in EFC.

The aid codes must be coded with appropriate Citizen/Alien indicator of “2” in MEDS. This is used for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status with the URM program Approval Letter from ORR and Non-Citizen victims of domestic violence and serious crimes (U-Visa) with the URM Program Approval Letter from ORR. In addition, all URM Program beneficiaries must be tracked in MEDS with the appropriate Citizen/Alien indicator code for their particular immigration status on the “Other Client Eligibility Information” INQE window“Other Client Eligibility Information” INQE window.

To update CalWIN to include the correct ALIEN-ELIG status see CalWIN Announcement 323.

Note: EWs must validate the “Alien-Elig” status. When MEDS does not reflect the appropriate “Alien-Elig” status the EWs must submit a completed the SCD 1296 to the appropriate MEDS operator.

Benefits and Services for URMs

All benefits and services are funded by ORR through the CDSS/DHCS administered contracts with the two URM Program providers. URMs do not receive assistance payments through the county. URMs are eligible for the same services as domestic FC which include the following:

  • ORR-funded maintenance payments equal to domestic FC rates,
  • Face-to-Face monthly visits,
  • Participation in EFC,
  • Eligibility for Medi-Cal until the age of 26 regardless of whether or not they elect to participate in EFC. Their eligibility for FFY Medi-Cal follows the same policy as domestic FFY. Refer to Eligibility for FFY Medi-Cal.
  • URM version of ILP, and
  • May participate in URM’s version of THP+.

Social Security Numbers (SSN)/Alien Cards

ORR will apply for a SSN after the URM is in the U.S. for at least one week. ORR must apply for a green registration card after the URM has been in the U.S. for one or more years depending on their alien status. When the social security cards and green registration cards are received by CCSCC a copy will be sent to the foster care bureau to update CalSAWS. When the green registration card is received a request for SAVE must be sent. [Refer to “SAVE,” page 13-1]


Annual redetermination follows the policy for domestic FC. The CCSCC must complete the MC 250 for youth under 18 or under 21 when the youth is participating in EFC. CCSCC must be notified when benefits are going to discontinue due to age. Youth eligible for FFY Medi-Cal do not require annual redeterminations, however, when the youth is approaching 26, the FFY must be notified 120 days before benefits are terminated. Refer to FC Hand Book Chapter 34.“Redeterminations (RD)” on page 34-36.

Annual redetermination letters must be sent at least 45 days before the due date, however, Medi-Cal must remain open unless notified by ORR the child/youth is no longer a part of the URM Program. The redetermination date must be aligned with their 26th birthday.

Notice of Action (NOA)

All NOA generated for approvals, changes, or discontinuances must be sent to CCSCC and the provider. This includes any additional documents that may be generated through the CalWIN system.

County of Responsibility for URM Youth

The county of responsibility for URM youth is the county in which the youth resides. The instructions on the back of the MC 250 form which requires the MC 250 to be sent to the county in which the foster care agency is located does not apply to URM cases.

URM Cases Outside Of Foster Care Eligibility (FCE)

Prior to the direction from CDSS & DHCS, the URM cases were approved and maintained outside of FCE. Under the direction of CDSS & DHCS all URM cases must be treated and maintained by FCE. Therefore these cases must be established and maintained at FCE while under the supervision of ORR.

Cases that were established outside of FCE must be re-assigned and maintained at the FC bureau. The existing cases must use the same case number established outside of FCE. In CalWIN the FC clerical must change the case assignment to the E9MC caseload. All documents sent to imaging must follow the assigned case number.

Note: If the case is closed it must be re-opened and assigned to E9MC.

EWs at FCE will monitor the existing cases. All new URM cases will be established at FCE through the current intake process. URM requests will be sent by mail or e-mail.

Outgoing URM Inter County Transfers (ICTs)

When a URM eligible individual moves from one county to another, they must not be required to reapply for Medi-Cal in their new county. Counties must follow Medi-Cal ICT rules for URM individuals. Upon notification of a change in county of residence, the county receiving this information will initiate the Medi-Cal eICT. The original county of residence must update MEDS to reflect necessary change in the CURRENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS and RES-COUNTY date fields. For instructions on how to initiate an eICT refer to Processing an Outgoing eICT Section 7.18 of the MC Handbook.

Incoming URM eICTs

  1. BAC ICT Lead
    1. Sends eICT to FosterCareProcessing email box. Documents should include:
      1. “Letter of designation from the Refugee Program Bureau” (RPB) or
      2. URM verification/approval letter from CDSS, and
      3. Social Security Number, and
      4. Immigration status information and/or an immigration document, and
      5. MC 250 or MC 250A.
  2. FC Clerical
    1. IDs documents.
    2. Creates a new Medi-Cal case.
    3. Sends task, new case number and eICT documents to Triage.
  3. Triage
    1. Receives and reviews eICT documents to ensure all required documents are present.
    2. Forwards case to Intake.
  4. Intake
    1. Follows process beginning on Step 4 of 6.3.11 workflow.
    2. Forwards case to continuing EW.

URM Procedures for Foster Care

The following procedures must be followed when establishing and redetermining URMs. 

  1. ORR
    1. ORR will send the following documents to FosterCareProcessing email in-box:
      1. “Letter of designation from the Refugee Program Bureau” (RPB) or
      2. URM verification/approval letter from CDSS, and
      3. Social Security Number, and
      4. Immigration status information and/or an immigration document, and
      5. MC 250 or MC 250A,
  2. FC Clerical
    1. IDs documents,
    2. When the CalWIN URM case is assigned outside of FCE, changes the case assignment to E9MC (Refer to “URM Procedures for Foster Care” on page 6-10).
    3. When no Medi-Cal case exists, creates a new Medi-Cal case, 
    4. Forwards case to Triage.
    5. For new cases
      1. Forwards new case number, and
      2. Forwards documents received from ORR to Triage.
    6. For URMs participating in EFC
      1. CCSCC sends an email to FosterCareProcessing box indicating that the youth is participating in EFC.
      2. Clerical receives email, then creates task for continuing EWs to retain Medi-Cal aid code 45.
    7. For established cases
      1. Forwards documents to the continuing EWs.
  3. Triage
    1. Reviews to ensure all required documents have been received (as per Step 1).
    2. Forwards documents to Intake.
  4. Intake FC EW
    1. Reviews the documents.
    2. Completes the intake process established in CalWIN Announcement 323 beginning with Step 2 and includes the additional information as noted.
    3. The Authorized Representative page must always have the assigned SW from the MC 306 and the address will always be 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134.
    4. Under Step 7; the Collect Non-Citizen Detail “Status” select one of the following:
      1. Amerasians from Vietnam, or
      2. Asylee, or
      3. Cuban-Haitian Entrant, or
      4. TCVAP Approve U Visa, or
      5. Unacmpnd Refugee Minor.

Note: When unable to determine the “Status” use Unacmpnd Refugee Minor.

  • Update the Individual Demographics page,
  • On the DRA Detail Tab be sure that “Remote Identification Process Verification Complete [Y/N] is “No”,
  • On the Collect Individual Address Detail, The “Home Address” is where the URM lives and the “Mailing Address” is always 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134.
  • On the Maintain Address under Care of (c/o) include the SW name taken from the MC 306. If multiple names exist, add all names.
  • Authorize Medi-Cal under aid ode 45 or 4M refer to “Medi-Cal Aid Codes and MEDS” on page 6-7.

Note: The Intake FC EW must not delay approving Medi-Cal when awaiting immigration documents, social security number, or when attempting to determine immigration status.

  1. Out-Stationed EW
    1. Reviews the documents.
    2. Completes the re-determination or updates the case.
    3. Updates the Collect Authorized Representative Detail if there is a change. The window must always have the assigned SW from the MC 306 and the address will always be: 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134.
    4. Updates the Individual Demographics page,
      1. On the DRA Detail Tab be sure that “Remote Identification Process Verification Complete [Y/N]” is “No”,
      2. On the Collect Individual Address Detail, The “Home Address” is where the URM lives and the “Mailing Address” is always 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134;
      3. On the Maintain Address under Care of (c/o) include the SW name taken from the MC 306. If multiple names exist, add all names.
    5. If the youth is 25 years old follow the process outlined in CalWIN Announcement 326.
    6. When the Alien Number is Received, sends a “Forced Add to SAVE” in CalWIN [“SAVE,” page 13-1].
      1. When CalWIN Alert 072 “Save Report Received” review the “Search IVES Applicant Reports” for validation.
    7. Authorize Medi-Cal under aid code 45 or 4M refer to “Medi-Cal Aid Codes and MEDS” on page 6-7.
    8. Forwards document to the appropriate IDM case.

Note: To access the imaging case the EW may need to “Change Search Template” from Foster Care to DEBS. The documents that are in IDM may be accessed through either FCE or DEBS Template.

  1. All EWs
    1. Forward documents to clerical for imaging.

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