Emergency Assistance (EA) Program

The EA Program in California is a federally funded program under the TANF Block Grant, as a part of Title IV-A of the Social Security Act. It enables the county to claim 50% federal funding to provide short term aid to children in emergency situations who meet specified criteria. The remainder is paid from county funds. Generally, “short term” means services to be provided for no more than a six month period.


The EA Program is intended to resolve the emergency of a “needy child” and to provide assistance on behalf of the “needy child.” A “needy child” is determined to be at risk due to abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation.

The EA program is available for children and youth at initial placement in emergency shelter care, as foster care dependents, and voluntary foster care placements.

CWS components provide services to the eligible “needy child” and/or services to other family members in order to resolve the eligible needy child's emergency.

This handbook section covers policies and procedures for the DFCS and MH portions of the EA program.

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