AAP Wraparound Services

ACL 24-66, WICs 16121(b), 18250 to 18258, CCR Title 22 Sections 353334(a), 35334(b), 35334(d), 35334(e), 35337(a)(12), MPP 45-806.2


For purposes of this topic, the term “child” includes non-minor youth receiving Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) benefits.
Counties are authorized to provide children receiving AAP benefits with service alternatives to out-of-home care, such as Wraparound Services. The intent of covering this cost is to temporarily resolve a child’s mental, behavioral, and/or emotional health needs that exceed basic care and supervision needs.


AAP may only fund wraparound for up to 18 months per episode/condition. Parents may request a subsequent 18 months of services paid by AAP if the child/youth has a new condition/episode different from the initial condition/episode. 
The youth may stop wrap services and resume within the same period.


AAP children and youth must meet the following requirements to receive Wraparound Services:

  • The child was adopted in Santa Clara County (SCC).
  • The child who has been adopted through SCC is at risk of being voluntarily placed in out-of-home care at a treatment facility.
  • The child is eligible for AAP under an existing or deferred agreement. When an AAP youth is under a deferred agreement and is approved for Wraparound Services, AAP benefits must be either reinstated or approved.


New Guidance

Effective August 30, 2024, the state provided new guidance for APP Wraparound Services in All County Letter (ACL) 24-66. The major changes include compliance with the California Wraparound Standards, the process for establishing a wraparound agreement, and the payment amount.

California Wraparound Standards

All Wraparound providers must align with the California Wraparound Standards. The standards comprise the wrap process's principles, phases, and key elements. It may be viewed at California Wraparound Standards.


  • Adoptive parents may choose any California Wraparound service provider aligned with the California Wraparound Standards that meets their child’s needs and who will provide the contracted Wraparound Services in the child’s adoptive home and California County of residence.
  • Wraparound services paid by AAP are not available for AAP-eligible children who reside outside of California. 
  • The state established a website (California Wraparound Provider List By County) to list wrap providers that adhere to California standards. Wrap providers must be a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. There are still county-contracted wrap providers the AP may choose from. If the parents decide to contract with one of these providers, the wrap service contract is between the AP and the provider.
  • Wraparound Service providers may not ask the adoptive parents to cover the costs of the services and have the Wraparound Service provider reimburse them. 

Adoptive Parent (AP) Responsibilities and the Wraparound Rate

APs are responsible for:

  • Choosing a California wrap provider (if it aligns with the CA Wraparound Standards) who will provide services in the adoptive home and California county of residence. Wrap services paid by AAP funding are not available for AAP-eligible children residing outside of California. 
  • Requesting an increase to the AAP rate to cover Wraparound Services from the Post Adoptions SW. The total monthly negotiated AAP rate to cover the wrap costs includes the eligible AAP rate, any specialized care increment (SCI), or Dual Agency rate plus supplemental rate. The eligible AAP rate, plus eligible SCI or the Dual Agency rate, plus eligible supplemental rate, is subtracted from the child’s total monthly negotiated AAP rate and paid to the adoptive parents. The remaining amount is paid to the Wraparound service provider. EWs will issue two payments: one to the AP and the other to the provider.

Note: The wrap rate must not exceed the non-federal Wraparound Services rate. The Fiscal Year 2024/2025 non-federal Wraparound Services rate is $17,033. Also, the total negotiated AAP rate covers the costs of wrap services specifically for the child/youth and may not be used for any other purpose. Furthermore, the rate may not be transferred to the provider’s accounts to fund services for other children or other provider services to the child/youth or parents.

  • Establishing an agreement and payment amount with the service provider. Counties are no longer responsible for entering into contracts or agreements with wrap providers. However, the county must approve the provider. The AP must also provide (to the Post-Adoptions Social Worker) all documentation from the chosen service provider and a contact for that provider. 
  • Notifying the SW if they change the provider or end services earlier than expected. When AAP covers service costs beyond the end date, the AAP payment may be subject to the overpayment collection process. 

Reminder: Since the AP is a private pay consumer, wrap providers must address any questions regarding payment to the AP and not the Eligibility Worker. EWs should refer the provider to the AP to answer any questions.  

Approval or Denial of the Wraparound Request

The Social Worker (SW) is responsible for assessing the request and confirming the appropriateness of the services.

If the request is approved, then.

  • The SW will complete an AAP 6 – Adoption Assistance Program Negotiated Benefit Amount and Approval form and an amended AD 4320 – Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) Agreement form with the adoptive parents. 
  • The SW will complete an AAP 2- Payment Instructions Adoption Assistance Program form and send it to the Eligibility Worker (EW) for processing.
  • As part of processing, the EW will send the APs an NA 791 Approval-AAP Notice of Action form.

Reminder: EWs must add the “AAP WRAP Active” case flag when Wraparound Services are being paid. 

If the request is denied, then

  • The SW will send the AP a denial (NA) 791 - AAP Notice of Action form.
  • If the parents disagree with the county's action, they may request a fair hearing based on the instructions provided in the denial NOA they receive. 

The Completed AAP 2 Form

SWs will complete the AAP 2 as they do when the AAP rate is reassessed and renegotiated.

  • The bottom of page one is completed for the “Total monthly payment amount.” 
  • The rate structures on the bottom of page one are not completed.
  • The “Start date” and “Date of Reassessment” on the bottom of page one are completed. The date of reassessment is the end date. 
  • The Wraparound Services rate on page two is entered. 
  • The start and end dates on page two of the AAP 2 form should be the same as those on the AD 4320 form. 

California Necessities Index (CNI)

The CNI increase should not automatically be applied to the wrap rate. If the provider wants to receive the increase, the parent(s) must request it from the SW. If the request is approved, the SW will send a new AAP 2 to the EW for processing. 

Ending Services

  • The EW must send the parents a discontinuance notice (NA 791—Notice of Action) 60-70 days before wrap services end.
  • The AP must inform the SW if the services end before the end date stated on the AAP 2. When AAP covers service costs beyond the end date, the payment may be subject to the overpayment collection process.
  • Lastly, the Post Adoptions SW and the AP will complete a reassessment and renegotiation of the AAP rate. The SW will then send the EW an amended AAP 2 for processing.
  • The EW will send an NA 791 to the AP.


EWs are not required to have a copy of the Adoption Agreement form (AD 4320) when issuing wrap payments. They will only receive payment instructions on the “Payment Instructions - Adoption Assistance Program” form (AAP 2). The AAP 2 must be sent to Imaging, and the EW must detail actions taken in a CalSAWS Journal.

Change in Legal Guardianship

When there is a change in legal guardianship, and the AAP does not plan to reunite with the child, the action of guardianship does not terminate a parent’s parental rights. If the adoptive parent(s) continues to support the child, they may continue to receive AAP benefits. Agency approval and oversight is not required, nor may the agency request a list of expenditures or an accounting of how the benefits are used. However, the county is not prohibited from seeking child support payments up to the amount of the AAP benefits.

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Wraparound Program

Adoption Assistance Program [EAS 35325 - 35352.2]