Extended Foster Care (EFC) Benefits
AB 12 was signed into law on September 30, 2010. One of the AB 12 provisions is to extend foster care to the age of 20 for young adults who meet the federal participation criteria for continued eligibility after the age of 18, including those served under a State-Tribe IV-E agreements and supervised by probation. This provision is phased in over the next three years and the final extension to the age of 21 is subject to budget appropriation by the state.
Table: EFC Phase
Up to Age | Effective Date |
19 | January 1, 2012 |
20 | January 1, 2013 |
21 (contingent on state funding) | January 1, 2014 |
SB 1013 signed on June 27, 2012, changed the EFC Program. The AB 12 Program is now known as the “After 18 Program”. SB 1013 removed the above phased-in maximum age limits for 2012 and 2013 (see Table EFC Phase). However, the phased-in maximum age limits still apply for re-entry to the EFC program. The new name of “After 18 Program” is now used by the state when addressing the AB 12 program. For SCC purposes, the foster care handbook will continue to use the AB 12 Program or EFC.
The EFC program is available to youths in Foster Care where court dependency is not dismissed. EFC is also available for CW youths who are placed with a caretaker relative with court dependency. The EFC program allows benefits to the age of 21. AB 12 allows for eligible youths to re-enter foster care and introduces two new terms; NMD for youth in EFC and NMFD for youths eligible for extended benefits under Kin-GAP and AAP. The following apply to NMD/NMFDs:
- A NMD/NMFD is a Foster Care/Kin-GAP/AAP youth attaining 18 but less than 21 years of age.
- The NMD is under the responsibility of the county welfare department, county probation department, or Indian tribe.
- The NMFD is under the responsibility of the Kin-GAP guardian or adoptive parents.
- The NMD is participating a TILP as described in the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-351).
- The NMD/NMFD (except AAP) has signed a mutual agreement to remain in the EFC Program.
- For AAP NMFDs, the adoption SW will document in the SW service file and inform the FC EW the youth is participating in the AB 12 Program.
Note: These changes do not modify or change any other foster care, AAP or Kin-GAP requirements for youths under the age of 18 or ineligible for the extended program. Additionally, EFC is an extension to the Foster Care program and does not require a new court hearing to participate.
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