Drug Rehabilitation Program

The GA Drug Voucher Program was eliminated effective 6/30/93. The funding for this program was transferred to the Bureau of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. All room, board, care and supervision expenses incurred by residents of state-licensed facilities (e.g. Pathway) are paid for by the Bureau of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. 

Residents of these facilities are NOT eligible for GA because the client’s needs are met by the Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Contract Reimbursement Program. These facilities receive federal and state funds through contracts with the County.

Exception: If otherwise eligible, residents of SLE or THU homes may be eligible for GA and/or CalFresh. Standard GA intake procedures and eligibility criteria apply. SLE and THU facilities are described below.

Sober Living Environment (SLE) or Transitional Housing Unit (THU) Facilities

There are some residential facilities that do not require licensure by ADP. Cooperative living arrangements (Referred to as SLE and THU, or alcohol and drug free housing) for persons recovering from alcohol and/or drug problems are NOT state-licensed by the State Department of Health. However, some of these facilities are certified for operation by the District Attorney’s (DA’s) Office, which simply means that they are a “court approved” residence. Others are court appointed SLE/THU facilities not necessarily DA certified. 

While sober living environments or alcohol and drug free housing are not required to be licensed by ADP, business permits or clearances may be required by the local cities or counties in which the houses are located. 

Stay for clients at these SLE/THU facilities could range from three days to three, six or nine months. Clients residing in these facilities are entitled to the GA standard room and board or shared housing level, as appropriate. 

There are numerous SLE/THU facilities in Santa Clara County that are not certified by the DA. A client my be court appointed to an unlicensed SLE/THU. Therefore, it is possible the Eligibility Workers (EWs) will find that an applicant/recipient is staying at a facility that is not Certified by the District Attorney. 

To determine whether an applicant or recipient is eligible for GA based on the residential facility the client is residing, refer to the following: 

  • The "GA and CF Facilities" chart under Reference Materials
  • The housing verification form used, “Housing Assistance Verification” (GA 31) or “Client’s Housing Assistance Statement” (GA 11) or the “Housing Verification-Specialized Programs” (GA 2A), which ask for the type of facility the applicant/recipient is living in and if the facility is state-licensed. These forms can be found on the Social Services Agency’s Intranet under DEBS Forms. 

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