Non-MAGI MC Optional Categorical

Optional categorical programs are determined only after an individual has been determined ineligible for Mega Mandatory and/or MAGI MC programs.

  • ABD FPL -The Non-MAGI MC Aged and Disabled FPL program, Blind FPL Program, and 250% Working Disabled Program (250% WDP) are all examples of optional categorical programs that are not required by federal law, but California has chosen to offer them to California residents.The 250% WDP provides MC for working individuals with disabilities.
  • Tuberculosis Program 

Non-MAGI MC Medically Needy

The Medically Needy (MN) program is a Non-MAGI MC program that allows aged (over 65 years old), blind, or disabled individuals who are otherwise eligible for MC, except for income, spend down excess income on qualified medical expenses (known as SOC) to become eligible for MC. The MN program is determined only after an individual has been determined ineligible for Mega Mandatory, MAGI MC, MCAP, CCHIP and Optional Categorical Non-MAGI MC.

Aged, Blind or Disabled

Individuals with disabilities may be eligible under Mega Mandatory or MAGI MC if they meet those criteria. However, to be eligible for disability based MC an individual must be determined disabled by the Social Security Administration definition or by Medi-Cal.

  • Adult-MN (ABD-MN) - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) MN

Eligibility for AFDC MC is established by a parent/caretaker relative living with and caring for the child or children.

Non-MAGI MC Medically Indigent (MI)

  • Medically Indigent Adults
  • Medically Indigent Children

Long Term Care

Long Term Care (LTC) facilities provide personal care services ranging from eating and bathing to chronic disease management for an extended period of time. LTC services can be provided through MCAI MC and MAGI Optional Categorical coverage groups, however, if an individual is part of a Non-MAGI MC Optional Categorical coverage group LTC status will require the individual to be transitioned to the MN program with potential SOC.


The Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP) provides cancer treatment to eligible individuals diagnosed with breast and/cervical cancer by a Cancer Detection Program such as Every Woman Counts (EWC) or Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment (Family PACT).

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