Tax Filing Threshold and Acceptable Applications
Tax Filing Threshold
The tax filing threshold identifies whether an individual is required to file taxes, depending on age and tax filing status. Eligibility Workers must accept the client’s self-attestation regarding their requirement to file taxes. The current year’s tax filing threshold amounts can be found on the IRS website in Publication 501 Dependents, Standard Deduction and Filling Information. EWs will provide the document or link to clients if they have questions about the tax filing threshold - EWs are not to give tax advice.
Acceptable Applications
Applicants can apply in person, over the phone, online, by mail, or fax.
The Single Streamlined Application (SSApp) [CCFRM 604] applies to all health coverage programs, including MC, Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC)/Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR), and unsubsidized coverage. The MC 210, MC 321 HFP, and SAWS 2 are no longer being printed but may still be accepted from applicants and used to input client information; additional forms such as the Request for Tax Household Information (RFTHI) may be required to obtain sufficient information to evaluate eligibility. The SAWS 2 PLUS is also an acceptable application for health coverage programs.
Note: If an applicant is applying for CalFresh (CF) using the CF 285 and he/she requests MC, then the tax filing information is also required.
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