Citizen/Alien Indicator
Citizen/Alien Indicators sent to MEDS indicate the following:
Citizen/Alien Indicator for MEDS per MEDS Quick Reference Guide
Citizen/Alien Indicator |
Description |
A |
Proven U.S. Citizen |
B |
Alleged U.S. Citizen |
C |
Conditional entrant admitted under INA Section 203(a)(7) |
D |
Deportation withheld admitted under INA section 243(h) or 241(b)(3) |
E |
Amerasian refugee admitted under INA Section 207 |
F |
Refugee admitted under INA Section 207 or 203(a)(7) |
G |
Parolee admitted under INA Section 212(d)(5) |
H |
Silva vs. Levi alien |
K |
Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) |
L |
Asylee admitted under INA Section 208 but not Kurdish or Iraqi Asylee |
M |
Residents of the Northern Mariana Islands |
N |
Identity and citizenship of the individual verified by the Numident interface (Code was previously A or B) |
O |
Victim of Severe Forms of Trafficking who has been certified by ORR or who has been granted a T Visa |
P |
Pre-January 1, 1972 alien (presumed lawfully admitted for permanent residence) |
Q |
Alleged born in U.S., supported by a U.S. birthplace shown on online Numident |
R |
Other refugee admitted under INA Section 207 but not Amerasian or Indochinese refugee |
S |
Other documented immigrants eligible for full scope benefits (includes DACA) |
T |
Last PRUCOL Category (Category 16) |
U |
Undocumented Individuals eligible for State Only Funded Long Term Care (Denied PRUCOL) restricted-scope MC eligibility |
V |
Visitor/Student/etc. individuals with temporary documentation |
W |
Parolee admitted under INA Section 212(d)(5) with a period of parole over one year |
X |
Indochinese refugee admitted under INA Section 207 |
Y |
Parolee admitted under INA Section 212(d)(5) with a period of parole less than one year |
Z |
Kurdish or Iraqi Asylee admitted under INA Section 208 |
0 |
Other alien (not 1, 5, 7, 8 or 9) |
1 |
Indochinese refugee admitted under INA Section 207 |
2 |
Lawfully present not a qualified immigrant |
5 |
Citizen child born to refugee parent(s) |
7 |
Other refugee |
8 |
Cuban/Haitian entrant |
9 |
Aged alien (Medicare ineligible alien and not 1, 7 or 8) |
Related Topics
Citizenship/Immigration Status