County of Responsibility in CalHEERS

County of Responsibility in CalHEERS is determined by the client’s address. When a client’s address is changed in CalHEERS, it changes the County of Responsibility (COR) to the county that address is located in and sends an external referral to the new county. COR is released immediately or after the 90 day cure period when a case is discontinued in CalHEERS.

For more information on County of Responsibility (COR) and CalSAWS functionality [Refer to Job Aid (JA): Medi-CalHEERS Case Linkage]

Establishing COR

COR can be reestablished for a CalSAWS case that was previously linked to a CalHEERS case by running EDBC and calling the BRE.

ExampleExampleA client applied in Santa Clara County in 2014 and CalHEERS ID 5000000001 was linked to the CalSAWS case. In 2015, an Inter-County Transfer (ICT) was sent to Alameda County and the case was discontinued in 2016 for failure to comply. In 2017, the client applied in Santa Clara County. When the Eligibility Worker (EW) runs EDBC,CalSAWS will reestablish COR for that CalHEERS ID.

ExampleExampleA client applies in Alameda County and CalHEERS ID 5000000002 is linked to the CalSAWS case. The client is discontinued for whereabouts unknown. The client later applies in Santa Clara County. If the EW runs EDBC, the BRE call will fail, and the above error message will appear. 

If the process above still does not release the COR, create a Gadwin Ticket.

Related Topics

Inter County Transfers

Processing an Incoming ICT

Processing an Outgoing ICT

Multiple Transfers