Multiple Transfers

When a recipient moves from the second county to a third or subsequent county during the transfer period, the counties involved are responsible for the ICT actions as described below:

  1. First County    
    1. Inform the second county, either by phone call or in writing, to cancel the ICT.
    2. Continue the client’s Medi-Cal benefits and ensure that there is no interruption in benefits.
    3. Change the client’s address to the third county.
    4. Request the “MEDS Terminal Operator” (MTO) to generate an EW 12 MEDS on-line transaction via SCD 1296 to change the:
      1. Client’s address to the new address (if MEDS record still shows the clients old address), and/or
      2. Code on the Residence County field on MEDS to reflect the client’s current county of residence.
    5. Note: Changes made by the MTO via the EW 12 on-line transaction will be seen on the MEDS INQM screen the following day. The 14-digit County ID will not change for the current month.

    6. Send an ICT informing notice (MC 358 S) to the client’s latest address.
    7. Initiate a new transfer to the third or subsequent county, beginning a new transfer period. Send a new eICT packet to the third or subsequent county.
  2. Second County
    1. Stop processing the incoming eICT. The first county will cancel the eICT.
  3. Third or Subsequent County    
    1. Process the ICT.

Related Topics

Processing an Incoming ICT

Processing an Outgoing ICT