Discontinuance Due to Death
Effective Date
Eligibility must be discontinued at the end of the month when a person dies.
Note: A notice of action (NOA) must be issued. However, there is no ten-day NOA requirement.
Denial/Discontinuance of Non-MAGI for No Linkage
Denial/Discontinuance of Non-MAGI for No Linkage requires two notices of action in the following circumstances:
- At Application, when an individual applies for Medi-Cal but is found ineligible for MAGI, screened for Non-MAGI, and found ineligible based on linkage.
- An MC 239 Denial for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income Medi-Cal must be sent in addition to the appropriate MAGI denial.
- When an individual is discontinued from MAGI, screened for Non-MAGI, and found ineligible based on linkage.
- An MC 239 Denial for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income Medi-Cal must be sent in addition to the appropriate MAGI discontinuance NOA.
- At Redetermination or Change in Circumstance when an individual no longer has linkage to Non-MAGI and These individuals must be evaluated for MAGI prior to discontinuance.
- An MC 239 Discontinuance for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income Medi-Cal must be sent in addition to the appropriate MAGI discontinuance NOA.
Note: The MC 239 Discontinuance for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income Medi-Cal and MC 239 Denial for Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income Medi-Cal are only available in DEBS Forms Library and must be manually completed.
Denial of Retroactive MAGI Medi-Cal for Income
The MC 239 Retro MAGI Denial has been created by the Department of Health Care Services and must be provided to individuals denied retroactive MAGI MC due to being over the MAGI income limit.
Exception: Individuals who are denied MAGI for income, but approved for Non-MAGI in a retroactive month, must only be sent the Non-MAGI Approval NOA. The MC 239 Retro MAGI Denial must not be sent.
Individuals that are ineligible for both MAGI and Non-MAGI in a retroactive month due to income must receive both the MAGI and Non-MAGI denial of retroactive eligibility NOAs.
The MC 239 Retro MAGI Denial NOA is only available in DEBS Forms Library and must be completed manually. EWs must enter the appropriate citation based on the following chart:
Category |
Aid Code |
Citation |
Parent/Caretaker Relative |
M3, M4 |
CA W&I Code 14005.30, 14005.64 |
Adults 19-64 |
M1, M2 |
Code 14005.60, 14005.64 |
Full Scope Pregnant Individual |
M7, M8 |
CA W&I Code 14005.22, 14005.225, 14005.64 |
Pregnancy Related Services |
M9, M0 |
CA W&I Code 14005.64, Cal Code Regs., title 22 50262 |
Children 6-18 years old, 0-133% FPL |
P5, P6 |
CA W&I Code 14005.26; Cal. Code Regs., title 22 50262.6 |
T1, T2, T6, T7 |
CA W&I Code 14005.26, 14005.64 |
Children 1-5 Years Old 0-142% FPL |
P7, P8 |
CA W&I Code 14005.64; Cal. Code Regs., title 22 50262.5 |
OTLICP Children 1-5 Years Old, above 142%-266% FPL |
T3, T4, T8, T9 |
CA W&I Code 14005.26, 14005.64 |
Infant under 1 Year Old, 0-208% FPL |
P9, P0 |
CA W&I Code 14005.64; Cal. Code Regs., title 22 50262 |
OTLICP Infant Under 1 Year Old, above 208%-266% FPL |
T5, T0 |
CA W&I Code 14005.26, 14005.64 |
Related Topics
Denial or Discontinuance Due to Lack of Information, Non-cooperation, or Loss of Contact