Refer to the following definitions for individuals potentially included in an MFBU.
- An individual 21 years of age or older.
- A blind or disabled individual18 to 21 years of age, living in the home of a parent and not currently enrolled in school.
- An individual who is 18 to 21 years of age, who is not living in the home of a parent or caretaker relative and not claimed as a tax dependent by parent(s).
- An individual 14 to 18 years of age who is not living with a parent or caretaker relative and who does not have a parent, caretaker relative or legal guardian handling any of his/her financial affairs.
- An individual under 21 years of age (married or unmarried) who lives with a parent(s) or caretaker relative.
Note: A blind or disabled person 18 to 21 years of age, living in the home of a parent and not in school, is considered an adult.
- An individual (married or unmarried) 18 to 21 years of age who is living away from home and being claimed as a tax dependent by parent(s).
Note: This includes an 18 to 21 year old receiving out-of-home care and claimed by the parent as a tax dependent.
- An individual 14-18 years of age living away from home, who has a parent, caretaker relative or legal guardian handling any of his/her financial affairs.
- Any individual under 14 years of age, regardless of living situation.
- An unborn is considered a child for Medi-Cal purposes.
Responsible Relative
The responsibility of a relative to contribute to the cost of health care services of an MC applicant or recipient is limited to the following:
- Spousal responsibility occurs when the spouses are living together in the home.
- If one or both of the spouses is in Long Term Care (LTC) or board and care, the spouses income and property must be considered available in determining each others eligibility and SOC, depending on the composition of the MFBU.
- If neither of the spouses is in LTC or board and care, but the spouses are living apart, the spouses must have their eligibility and SOC determined as single individuals the day following the separation. This cannot be a temporary separation.
- Parental responsibility occurs when the children are living in the home, with the exception of minor consent.
- Relative responsibility occurs when children living in or away from the home are:
- 18-21 years of age, and
- Claimed as a dependent by a parent(s) in order to receive a tax credit or deduction for state or federal income tax purposes.
Note: There is no parental responsibility for a child applying for Minor Consent Services. There is no parental responsibility for children under 18 years of age, living away from home and handling ALL their own affairs, whether or not claimed as a tax dependent by parents.
- If a couple is divorced and living together, they are treated as unmarried parents. They are not financially responsible for one another.
- Domestic partners are not financially responsible for each other except for any income that they may contribute to the household in excess of their share of the expenses.
Caretaker Relative
- A caretaker relative is a relative in the home who provides care and supervision to a child only when there is no natural or adoptive parent in the home.
- Legal guardianship does not constitute status as a caretaker relative. Therefore, legal guardianship has no bearing on MFBU composition or linkage.
Family Member
Family member means the following individuals living in the home:
- A child or sibling children.
- The parents (married or unmarried) of the sibling children.
- The stepparents of the sibling children.
- The separate children of either unmarried parent, married parent or stepparent.
Note: If there are no children, family member means a single person or a married couple
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