Veterans' Benefits
The County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) provides information and assistance for filing with the Veterans Administration claims for:
- Pension
- Compensation
- Educational benefits
- Aid and Attendance
- Payments for Unusual Medical Expense (UME)
Aid and Attendance
Aid and Attendance (A&A) is provided to veterans and their dependents who are in LTC or who are unable to care for themselves at home. These benefits are:
- Cash benefits (counted as unearned income)
- Medical devices
- Medical equipment
Treatment of A&A Income
A&A cash benefits received by a veteran NOT in LTC are:
- NOT treated as unearned income in the month of receipt.
- Property if retained after the month of receipt.
Unusual Medical Expenses
Veterans may apply for and be eligible to receive payments for Unusual Medical Expense (UME). Payments for UME are not treated as unearned income. Verification of UME may include a VA award letter issued at the time the UME are awarded or by completing the MC 05 Procedures.
Client Responsibility
Veterans Benefits are considered unconditionally available income. If an individual identified as a Veteran fails to apply for these benefits, he/she would be denied/discontinued for failure to apply for unconditionally available income.
EW Responsibility
The EW must complete a “Military Verification and Referral Form” (MC 05) when:
- The client indicates (verbally or on their application) they may be eligible for or have applied for veteran’s payments.
- The veteran or veteran’s dependent enters LTC.
MC eligibility must be granted while the MC 05 is being processed, as long as the client meets all other eligibility criteria. When the MC 05 is returned from the CVSO, eligibility can be re-evaluated as necessary.
MC 05 Procedures
- The EW must manually generate the MC 05 in CalSAWS. To print the MC 05 form [Refer to Job Aid (JA): Forms and NOAs]
- The EW will email the MC 05 to the CVSO at vets@vets.sccgov.org with the subject “MC 05”and send a copy to IDM.
Important: The MC 05 must no longer be faxed, mailed, or hand-delivered.
- The CVSO will use VA resources or contact the veteran to confirm VA benefit eligibility (if any), complete Section B of the MC 05, and email it to the verifications inbox (verifications@ssa.sccgov.org).
- Designated staff will monitor the verifications inbox and create a TMT for processing when the CVSO returns the MC 05.
- The EW will review the form to determine MC eligibility. Any income reported should be budgeted and the Share of Cost (SOC) should be adjusted, if applicable.
If the MC 05 has not been returned by the time the case is transferred out of Intake, the Continuing worker will be responsible for processing once the form is received from the CVSO. If the form is not returned, it must be sent again at Redetermination.
Follow-Up Procedures
- If the MC 05 is returned by the CVSO indicating a claim has been initiated, the EW must follow-up within 90 days.
- If no disposition is received after 90 days, the EW will:
- Contact the CVSO to determine what, if any, communication has been received from the VA regarding the claim, or
- If the CVSO has no information regarding the claim, contact the recipient to determine if they have received a determination from the VA.
- If there is evidence that the client had not complied with the VA in providing necessary information or verification, then the client must be denied or discontinued due to failure to apply for unconditional income until the necessary action has been completed.
- If neither the CVSO or the recipient has received any information regarding the claim, set up a case alert for follow-up again in 30 days.
- Repeat the steps in this section as often as necessary until a decision has been received.
- Once the decision on the claim has been received, verified and documented on the CalSAWS Journal Detail Page, the EW can take appropriate action.
When an MC 05 Referral is Not Necessary
The MC 05 does not have to be completed when:
- The person is currently on active duty in the Armed Forces, or if his/her only service was in the Merchant Marine or National Guard.
- The divorced spouse does not have the veteran’s legal dependent in his/her custody.
- The veteran’s Social Security Number and date of birth, Military Serial Number or Veterans Administration Claim Number is not available.
- There is no legal relationship between the claimant and the veteran, and it has been determined that paternity cannot be established.
Note: California is not a “common-law” state. An alleged wife must produce a marriage certificate to support her claim. An alleged widow who does not have a marriage certificate must provide evidence that a marriage was established in a “common law” state.
An illegitimate child can be recognized as a dependent or surviving child of a veteran only if the veteran acknowledged paternity in writing or if paternity was established by a court order. In the case of a deceased veteran, paternity can be established by secondary evidence. A referral to CVSO for assistance in developing secondary evidence should be completed.
Budgeting Information
- A retroactive payment (except A&A) is considered a nonrecurring lump sum and must be counted as property.
- Recurring monthly payments are unearned income.
- Aid and Attendance payments are treated differently depending on the veterans’ situation.]
Veterans Educational Benefits
The Veterans Administration (VA) currently provides educational benefits under three educational assistance programs; GI Bill, the Post 9/11 GI Bill and Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP).
GI Bill
Veterans who served on active military duty prior to 1/1/77 may receive up to 45 months of educational assistance through the GI Bill.
Educational benefits received through the GI Bill are treated as unearned income for educational purposes. The educational expense deduction may be applied. Post 9/11 GI Bill
Veterans who served on active duty after 09/10/01 are eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill if the veteran:
- Served for a cumulative period of at least 90 days.
- Served at least 30 continuous days and received a disability discharge.
There are three payments associated with the Post 9/11 GI Bill:
- Tuition and fees are paid directly to the educational institution and, therefore, these payments are not counted as income to the veteran.
- The monthly housing allowance is paid directly to the veteran on a monthly basis. The monthly housing allowance is treated as unearned income.
- The annual books and supplies stipend of $1,000 is paid directly to the veteran based on enrolled units.
- If the client is eligible for AFDC-MN, the annual books stipend used for educational expenses other than tuition is exempt income.
- If the client is eligible for ABD-MN, the annual books stipend is excluded as income.
The VA award letter is used to verify type, amount, and frequency of payments.
Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)
Veterans who have voluntarily contributed to the VEAP educational fund while on active duty after 12/31/76 may receive up to 36 months of educational assistance.
Benefits received from VEAP are treated as follows:
- The portion of VEAP benefits provided by the VA (two-thirds of the benefit) is unearned income for educational purposes (educational expenses may be deducted.
- The portion of VEAP benefits contributed by the veteran (one-third of the benefit) is exempt income.
- These regulations apply while the veteran is pursuing an education, even if the veteran is not currently in school or training.
- The veteran may elect to withdraw his/her contribution, and forfeit entitlement to matching funds from the VA. The veteran’s contribution to VEAP is considered non-exempt property upon withdrawal.
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