DDSD Referral Not Required
A disability referral is not required when one of the following disability verifications is available and the date of disability onset and reexamination dates are documented in the case record:
- The individual was eligible as an MN individual on the basis of blindness or disability in December 1973, and there has been continuing eligibility since that time.
- The individual provides a Social Security award letter or an SSI/SSP award letter showing disability, provided the applicant is still receiving these benefits.
- When a client is under 65 and receiving RSDI, it must not be assumed these benefits are issued based on disability. The SSA award letter or notice of increased/decreased disability benefits must be seen.
- Social Security checks cannot be used as verification since they do not state that the payment is for disability. Other verification must be provided.
- Social Security notice of increased/decreased disability benefits, provided the applicant is still receiving these benefits.
- Social Security statement of an individual's eligibility on the basis of disability.
- Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) disability award letter, providing the letter states that the applicant is totally and permanently disabled and the applicant is still receiving these benefits. If RRB benefits were issued based on occupational disability, the applicant is not disabled for MC purposes. A DDSD packet must be completed for these applicants. The packet must include an “Authorization for Release of Information” (MC 220) authorizing DDSD to obtain copies of the RRB awards.
- The applicant is totally and permanently disabled, and a MEDS screen printout or a signed statement from Social Security confirms that a person was discontinued from SSI/SSP for reasons other than cessation of disability. They are still considered to be disabled for MC if they are currently receiving Social Security disability RSDI benefits. Individuals discontinued from SSI/SSP are referred to as “Craig” (formerly “Ramos”) individuals.
- A prior DDSD determination was made within the last 12 months and the reexamination date has not yet come due and there is no indication that the medical condition has improved.
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