Pickle Eligible Child

A Needs Test is not required for the potentially Pickle eligible child. When determining Pickle eligibility for a child compute the RSDI disregard computation for the child's RSDI COLA only; there is no disregard allowed for the parent's RSDI COLA. CalSAWS will determine Pickle eligibility for a child, however, the “Pickle Eligibles Financial Eligibility Worksheet-Eligible Child with Ineligible Parent(s)” (DHCS 7019) can be used to manually verify Pickle eligibility for children.

Important: Do not use the DHCS 7021 or DHCS 7075.

Form DHCS 7019

  1. Complete Part I. Ineligible Parents Unearned Income
    1. Line 1. Enter the ineligible parent's unearned income.
    2. Line 2. (If no ineligible siblings, enter zero in I-2c.)
      1. Enter the first name of any ineligible child(ren) in the box provided.
      2. On line 2a, enter the allocations for any ineligible child(ren) not on public assistance.
      3. On line 2b, enter any income for each of the children, excluding $1,620 per year of student income.
      4. Subtract line 2b from 2a.
      5. Enter the remainder for each child, and total the allocations for all siblings on line 2c.
    3. Line 3. Subtract line I-2c from I-1 (unearned income) and enter the difference. This is the remaining unearned income amount unless the allocation amount (line I-2c) exceeds line I-1 (unearned income). In the latter case, the negative figure on line I-3 is carried over to line II-2 (unused portion of allocation).
  2. Complete Part II. Ineligible Parent's Earned Income
    1. Enter the parent's earned income.
    2. Enter the amount of any allocation for ineligible children that is not offset by unearned income (line I-3 minus line I-1). If line I-1 is greater than line I-3, enter zero in line II-2.
    3. Subtract the allocation amount on line II-2 from line II-1 (gross earned income) and enter the difference.
    4. Add lines I-3 and II-3.
      1. NOTE: If, at this point (after the allocation for ineligible children), there is no income remaining either earned or unearned, there is no income available for deeming to the eligible child(ren). In this case, proceed to Part IV. If there is earned and/or unearned income remaining, complete both Parts III and IV.

  3. Complete Part III. Combined Incomes - Parent's Allocation
    1. Enter the remaining unearned income from Part I, line 3 to Part III, line 1.
    2. Enter the remaining earned income from Part II, line 3 to Part III, line 4.
    3. Follow the instructions on each line.
      1. The entry from Part III, line 15, is carried over to Part IV, line 1.
  4. Complete Part IV. Pickle Eligibility Calculation
    1. Enter the deemed income from the last line in Part III. The deemed income is treated as unearned income.
    2. Enter the applicant's OASDI income.
    3. Enter any Title II cost-of-living increases that the applicant has received since being discontinued from SSI/SSP. (Use disregard Computation Worksheet.)
    4. Subtract line III-3 from III-2 and enter difference.
    5. Enter any other unearned income of applicant.
    6. Enter the $20 any income exclusion.
    7. Add together the amounts in lines IV-1, IV-4, and IV-5; and then subtract the $20 any income exclusion (line IV-6) to obtain the total countable unearned income amount.
    8. Enter the applicant's countable earned income (i.e., earned income after exclusions including the $65 work expense exclusion and 1/2 the remainder).
    9. Add the amounts in lines IV-7 and IV-8 to obtain the total countable income.
    10. Enter the current SSI/SSP payment level.
      1. NOTE: If parent(s) have Title II income, their cost-of-living increases are not subtracted. Also, there is no allocation to a parent who is receiving public assistance.

Resource Eligibility

The amount of resources deemed to a Pickle eligible child is determined by CalSAWS based on resources entered by the EW. CalSAWS will allow all applicable resource exclusions for the parents and apply the remaining countable resources to the potentially eligible child.

Note: There is no increase in the resource limit for Pickle ineligible children.

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